What Can £11.50 Buy You These Days??

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Hello People! :wink:

    As the thread title asks............Just what does 11 quid get you??

    I am very surprised no one else went for this..........I am familiar with this era of Sharps & knew how easy they 'usually' are to sort out! - This one did stretch my patience a little :lollegs:

    The answer is a rather sorry looking Sharp GX-250 Compo System :frown: :frown: :frown:

    Both speaker grilles pushed in so far they were both concave rather than the convex shape they were meant to be :frown:

    One belt dissolved into goo that was everywhere - the images don't really show how bad it was!!

    Second belt stretched into that familiar 'Egg Shape' many of us are familiar with :thumbsdown:

    Both operating cams seized that operate the soft touch system, a flywheel with a shaft as dry as a nuns fanny & would hardly turn...............

    Speakers so filthy inside around the cone edge.......

    Can't think of any more at the moment...............lol

    I spent all afternoon on it & had all the belts etc that I needed!

    I won't go into all the details, those that repair these beautiful things will know what it's like, you patiently deal with whatever they throw at you! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    This machine is far too nice to not restore it to full working order & that is what I did!

    I now have a GX-250 fully working & I love it :applause :applause :applause

    Feeling very pleased with myself & overall a great day & result!

    What a looker this model is & it will be coming to the meet later this month :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Time for the images & vids - Youtoob links & direct links to the full 4K quality video's - Use them you won't believe the quality :wink:

    There is a little sibilance on one track.......this is the microphones on my phone & not a fault with Sharp, just annoying & I don't know how to reduce it :(

    Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (1).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (2).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (3).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (4).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (5).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (6).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (7).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (8).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (9).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (10).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (11).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (12).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (13).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (14).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (15).jpg Sharp GX-250 Stereo Radio Recorder - June 2017 (16).jpg



  2. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Great radio Nick....if you can get a sharp gx 300 it will blow this away, i only paid £20 for my red gx 300, i couldn't belive it i was the only bidder has dolby b and c

    both great radios though, mine still needs to go to my engineer but he said it will be a few months before he has time to do my crown 970....great catch lad
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    I bought one of these long ago but I just have not had time to review it, I may have made a video of it but I am in the bedroom computer and I cannot operate the cpu where all my data is as mother is sleeping now, so I don't know if I ever made a video and then just never had time to put the video out there. Yes this is a terrific machine.
    nickeccles likes this.
  4. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Bournemouth UK
    Obviously a lot more than at any time in the past. :wink2
    Anyone who says this is an expensive hobby should read your threads.
    nickeccles likes this.
  5. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Nick, great Resto first of all, pics and video.. and the Stereo itself of course! Rock on! :thumbsup:
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  6. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    I paid a bit more for mine but then I also bought it from Waghäusel Germany back in 24 Jan 2016 SHARP GX-250H 391369359704 bebelusa1975 Waghäusel Germany - Now I cannot find this listing on the web at all and I thought I had saved the .mht of the bidding page but I forgot to do so. I did save the translated text of the description. and I did make a really Nice video but I never uploaded it due to my self-consciousness of my bad teeth back then of which present day my mother has bought for me a full set, anyway here is my one pic and maybe soon I will upload that video ( it is Fifteen minutes long as I compare this GX-250H with others of some I have sold since I shot that video. Oh wow please note the date in this picture.
    IMG_3399 Sharp GX-250H underneath is a TELEFUNKEN TM 6670 needing a battery back IMG_3399 Sharp GX-250H underneath is a TELEFUNKEN TM 6670 needing a battery back.JPG
    this is the only front picture I took of this model taken back when - wish I had taken more of just the 250H but those pictures are of just the unboxing of this model.
    This Sharp GX-250H is a terrific sounding machine for its size!
    Radio Raheem and nickeccles like this.
  7. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Did you clean up the woofers Cassette2go?? Mine were so dirty & the grilles all badly bent :(

    Look at them now though...............beautiful white 6 inch woofers :reelspin: :reelspin:
    Cassette2go likes this.
  8. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    No didn't have to do anything to this model and I did find that video I thought I had made but it is not specific to just that one model and I uploaded it under another of my names in youtube - here you can speed forward in the video to see just it or watch the entire thing :)
    Audio compare boombox Pioneer SILVER SR8800 SHIN-SHIRASUNA TELEFUNKEN JVC Sharp Yamaha Sale
    3-piece Sharp GX-250H @ 10:30 played
    ** Above link *** found again 02 July 2017
    Radio Raheem and nickeccles like this.
  9. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

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    United Kingdom.
    Nice find for the dollars .
  10. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    what a great score and what an underrated box !

    i used to own one (still remember the story how i got it but don't know what happened to it :hmmm), for beeing a "three-piecer" it never reached any fame, but i remember it having serious good sound for a boombox, "low noise"-amp and very good radio-reception, nice box that one !
    nickeccles likes this.
  11. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Good looking box, Nick. Lovely job as ever. :biggrin:

  12. davebush

    davebush Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sunny Blackpool. UK
    good clean up pall

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