Hi, Have been a lover of Boomboxes/Ghetto Blasters from when I was a child in the 80's. Coming from a family with very limited available cash, I always had to look on with a touch of envy when my friends had them as gifts or when I saw them on music videos (and on Beat Street and Breakdance). I've finally took the plunge and have purchased my first two (one I'm yet to pick up). They are: Sharp GF-767 Sharp GF-9090 (yet to collect). The 767 is in great condition, so probably won't mess with that at all but the 9090 will probably need a bit of work doing to it. I have zero electronics skills but am going to try and repair what I can and learn as I go along. Looking forward to trying out a bit of restoration work. I'll post pics of them both in the gallery, along with some newbie questions Please to meet you all !
Welcome on board NStar, and lovely post btw. I can assure you that your childhood memory have a lot in common with those of many other members. You started your collection with the right foot, with two extremely desirable units. Waiting to see some pics of your beauties
Welcome from the North! The 9090 is an easy box to work on and I have spare parts for them too if you need any. Can easily talk you through any repair needed
Oh and the 767 is a great box. Huge! The 9090 is a tiddler but kicks ass for its size. So you did well
That's great, thank you. I know I will need to replace at least one aerial as it's knackered. The other I may be able to clean up.