boys are back in town !

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by autoreverser, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    received two of my most beloved units back from repair. both those units have their own story, but both had problems i couldn't sort out myselfe - board-member Leonardo (doctor walkman) did an amazing job fixing'em inclusive an impressive sound-improvement.
    i quickly recorded me a nice type IV-tape without dolby and am right now strolling through the house wearing headphones (@ mod: we definitively need a smiley with headphones !)

    the WM-10rv initially came from well known god old board-member "DocP" (...are you still here ?), i personally picked it up in Visakhapatnam, India 11 years ago (in trade for a boxed TCM-10) - the 701s came even more ages ago from (the one or other might still know him...) "jazzrat2000", who was one of the very, very early members of s2go (he was there when i registered pre-s2go on "pocketcalculatorshow", so both are keepers:

    IMG_3717.JPG IMG_3718.JPG IMG_3719.JPG IMG_3720.JPG IMG_3721.JPG

    now i have to have a good search, i do have somewhere an adapter from this huge WM-701-remote/headphone socket to standard headphonesbecause those standard headphones from the 701 are rubbish - i want to use my Grados...

    finally both are back in my "most-favourite-shrine", wich is actually my couch-table, check if you can find'em:

  2. Ball000

    Ball000 Member

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    The couch-table is a very cool idea for the most loved ones... and there are indeed nice models in yours, surrounding the two gems of the day, congratulations!
    deech and Radio Raheem like this.
  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Excellent stuff Auto...i need to send some of my walkmans for repair, im just not prepared to wait 10 years, heck i won't even be here by then lol
    deech, Ball000 and autoreverser like this.
  4. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    hahahaa, but imagine after a looong time you receive a parcel with long forgotten units ( it happened to me) :bigthumbsup:
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  5. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Very cool table!
  6. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Nice! I bet receiving that box in the post after so long was pure heaven. And that coffee table :ohmy:ohmy:ohmy:ohmy:ohmy:ohmy:ohmy:ohmy
  7. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    It's worth noting here that Leonardo is currently the best in the business. he can take as long as he wants in my book. In fact, he has four of my most prescious walkmans as we speak.

    Great to finally see the famous coffee table, or the 'alter' as Auto refers to it. What he has forgotten to mention is that it exists in his special 'crypt' where only he is allowed. Also, shhhhh, but he has a very specific ceremony he performs when he enters this crypt and he has to wear the correct gown embroidered with various Sony logos from the 80's.

    He gets quite coy when quizzed on this but I've seen the pics and it's a very, very strange business indeed.
    Command8, deech, T-ster and 1 other person like this.
  8. deech

    deech Well-Known Member

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    Athens , Greece
    I can relate with the sentimental value both of your walkmans have for you Autoreverser !:)
    I have some bboxes that mean a lot to me too and i ll never let go:nodding:
    The coffee table simply steals the show.
    Ball000 and Radio Raheem like this.
  9. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    well, i can tell right here a true story:

    it happened in 1984, i was in the last years of high-school and a full Walkmaniac. my best buddy oliver's dad worked in those days as a salesman for Toshiba, so he allways had nice advertising-things, displays etc. one day he came with two red japanese kimono's, wich carried the big Toshiba-letters and logo on the ( you call it) collers and back - so we grabbed those fine clothes and walked around our city, dressed in Toshiba-kimono's, my buddy wearing a KT-AS10 (...that's the silver one in my altar - eeeh couch-table) and me with a red/silver Sony WM-10. still to mention that we had a serious gang, called "gold-crush-crew" - three Toshiba-dressed and Walkman-carrying members (oliver, dragan and me) making serious oversized graffiti's on demand public in schools etc., prefably with - what we thought was bronx-motives (i've never been in the states) with sub-trains, ghetto-tons and blasters etc.etc.

    anyway, just digged out oli's telephone-number and called him - he'll go within the next days to his retired daddie's house to have a look if those kimono's are still there. i'm prepared to post a pic of mine wearing one (...if they're still there)

    great. brings back memories.
    Ball000 and deech like this.
  10. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    The idea of coffee table is amazing. But to be honest the walkman were not set appropriately.
    It can be more appealing if:
    - Walkmans placed in right orientation: use same size walkman in a row/ column. just think about placing a picture or some pictures in a frame.
    - replace some of them with red or green or shinny white walkmans.
    - it will look even more beautiful if you place same model with different colors in each row: this is my suggestion :
    * WM-10/20 different colors in one row,
    * DD series different colors next row,
    * WM-3,WM-3EX, TPS-L2, TCS-600 next row
    * Po-7 different colors next row
    again, you coffee table looks beautiful and what i said is just my personal opinion to make it more appealing.
    excellent work
    autoreverser likes this.
  11. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    I think we need to find out more about what we have here....

  12. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    What an odd yet compelling story, I can almost picture 3 Kimono wearing, walkman toting lads throwing up burners in the subway...... :lollegs::lollegs::lollegs::lollegs:
  13. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    Boodokhan, i understand what you say, but my "couch-table-selection" is neither made to show the historic evolution of portable personal stereo's nor to follow any technical order, they are just some units i like to have around and visible, in fact often i sit on the couch listening to vinyls, open the drawer and just play with one off'em.

    just a few examples:

    there's a WM5 - i call'em "luxury-WM2's", because that's what they are, a full-metal-jacket WM2 - my exposed unit came from John Edward, he was new in the forum and had his first three (true !) units and desperately wanted a DD in champagne-colour - i traded mine for this WM5. no long stories about JE now, but i definitively can say he was my friend, there's the WM-10rv from my friend DocP, personally traded in India, he's such a nice guy - i met half of his family, even his great uncle, a healer (doc. Sadasivo Rao), who treated my sore knee, there's the KT-AS10 that i got after long, long negotiatings out of the "good-boy's-cigar-box" from an old buddy (gosh, did i have to pay and drink loads of beer for that !), there's my DD100, one of the first things i ever bought on ebay in 1999 (!), in days when nobody collected something like that, there's a DD9 wich i bought as a solid daily Walkman, still in DM-time (pre €) wich joined me at many many international journeys, there's an Aiwa HS-G08 wich long year board-companion AO in his scattered head got send to my adress (because the blooming german seller didn't want to ship international) and then completely forgot about, i only opened the parcel after 6 (!) years, AO knows it's here but also knows he can collect it only personally (booze will be prepared !), there's this beautyful Sanyo JJ-P101 - pre-owned by good old Litfan (r.i.p.) and a JJ-P100, wich i think, with it's hammerite-finish is one of the most beautyful units ever, a nice Panasonic from a good, good friend in Italy etc. etc. they all have their story and all those will be in my table until my son maybe throws'em away (...i know he won't !).

    i have to admit, there's plots like that all over my place, not all with Walkmen, i also have my boombox-corners etc. etc. - well, you guys will know what i mean :yesss:
    Ball000 likes this.

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