So i bought this Panasonic player and it seems to working well, but when i switch S-XBS on, bass sound disorted, like its too much bass. I have good pair of headphones (Audio-Technica M40x) so it's not the problem, i wonder what's the problem here, i 've never had that kinda issue with walkman before. I will be thankful for any tips.
Maybe it’s just putting out too much bass? I find extra bass on these units just distorts anyway. Have tried a different headphone?
So it kinda weird, when im listen rock music i don't hear any disortions unless it's on full volume. Most of my original tapes don't sound disorted too. Main problem is with rap tapes made by me, since it's most bass-heavy music. When im put volume 7-8 out of 10 it sounds clear enough to everyday listen on most tapes (maybe it just repaired magically ). I think walkman don't have any limiter inside and just put sounds as is, even disorted. Anyway, belt broke coulple days ago and im currently waiting for new one. Im gonna repair it, but i can't solder anything and i need to desolder main pcb to change belt in this model. Just need to find somebody to do it for me Im gonna keep it, beside this problem sound is very strong and clear. Even with disortion its still better than my phone - when too much bass comes it just "muting" song and it sounds like shit. Im the only one in the family that have good full-sides headphones But i was in the shop and they have some headphones that you can plug to your device and try. On some it disort like mine, other models just reproduce too much bass with S-XBS on. Its really Super Extra Bass
BLiNDEAD if you keep playing it with the S-XBS on and it keeps distorting, that is a sure-fire to damage both your headphones and your hearing. Personally if you value your hearing you will avoid using the S-XBS when you hear distortion. Also pushing to 8 out of 10 with the volume is just asking for it.
Same issue! As i remember, i bought one 20years ago, it was weak, distorted (choppy) sound under 500Hz, soi can replace it to a better RQ-SX40!
On 7-8/10 volume on most cases i can't really hear any disortion, maybe some if its really bass-heavy track. Problem is, without S-XBS sound is very thin, almost without bass. And since it's one-battery walkman volume isn't very loud so 8/10 is normal level for me. But you're right, sometimes im listening music too loud, especially if i'm pissed off or i really love track that im playing on