Finally my own Sony WM-D6C

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Trymon, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Trymon

    Trymon New Member

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    edit: Moved to the right section

    Finally the Forum is back online and I'm also back after a long absence. The reason for later seem to be quite obvious. I've got a new device to play with and more important to listen to.
    Managed to get a beautiful D6C in almost perfect condition. For the case it's easy to say. It looks just good. The internals are more difficult to judge but listening to it I would say it's also in a very good condition. For a long time I've wanted this "very portable" Walkman and now I could hold it in my hands. Just love what I can hear.

    Obviously this is a Gallery so you deserve to see some pictures. More text will follow the pictures. ;)

    IMG_20191118_180224.jpg IMG_20191118_180237.jpg IMG_20191118_180331.jpg IMG_20191118_180357.jpg IMG_20191118_180409.jpg IMG_20191118_180453.jpg IMG_20191118_180531.jpg IMG_20191118_180542.jpg IMG_20191118_180550.jpg IMG_20191118_180605.jpg IMG_20191118_180625.jpg

    Not surprising that I tried to analyse the playback quality. For this I have a 3KHz signal on tape and I just hope that it's recorded with a good calibrated device. I can only say, that it was a Sony TC-K555ESJ for the possibly well known eBay seller out of Slovakia that might supplied many of us with parts like rollers and belts.

    The values look quite good but I'm not sure if the difference between the 3000Hz the tape should have and the shown 3010 is just caused by my Laptop or if there could be some optimization done. Anyway I've purchased new belts and as soon they arrive I will open the device to check the current one and replace them except the current ones look and feel still perfect.

    D6C-DIN.png D6C-unweighted.png D4C-wow.png D6C-flutter.png

    Anyway I wanted to share the current test results with you and if there is a difference after replacing the belt I will share also them with you. Even if the Gallery isn't for tech talk I've posted the result because.....hey they are also pictures. ;)

    Until then I will enjoy the nice sound this Walkman is capable to deliver and pretty soon I will try to use it the other way around and do some recordings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2019
    Boodokhan and Mister X like this.
  2. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    The D6C is a lovely playback unit, i have never used any of my units for recording. The D6C an external amp good headphones plus good recordings on a nice metal cassette is just amazing on the move.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Not only that TooCool4 but they're also one of the better looking clunky portables, which are my favorite looking. That case makes me want to get a nicer one. Here's a link to the service manual, it's on this site but I don't know where, it shows the speed adjustment for this unit. After looking at some other threads it looks like +/- .5% is ok for tape decks and the WM-D6C SM says +/- 10 Hz.
  4. Trymon

    Trymon New Member

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    TooCooL4 I agree. Not sure if I realy would need a good amp as this device has more than enough power to make my ears bleed. :D But the headphones are more than good enough to enjoy them. I would even say the D6C can't utilize the capabilities of the headphones.

    Mister X thank you. I already found a service manual but seem that I wasn't able to find the correct section. Maybe this specific day was the reason as I also posted this introduction twice in the wrong section of the Forum. Will look again into it but with the +10 Hz I'm within the specification, even if I might still try to get it closer to the 3KHz.
  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I was poking around some other forums for information and from what I can gather they set it on the upper end, then when the unit starts to wear you've got the full range of tolorance to drop instead of being in the middle.
  6. Trymon

    Trymon New Member

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    You have a good point. Maybe I will anyway check the results as described in the service manual. One more reason to buy a frequency counter. :D
  7. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Trymon you mistake an amp with just delivering more power, yes having more power than you need is better than not having enough power.

    I use an amp on the D6C not because I need more power, the amp here is all about control. As good as the D6C is, it does not control the headphones as well as a good amp does. The D6C on it’s on has a loose flabby bass that leaks into the midrange hence muddying up the midrange, by having a good amp which controls the headphones well and tightening up the base end the midrange is improved and the overall clarity is improved. If you have never tried the D6C with a good headphones, then the D6C sounds amazing but once you have tried it with a good headphone amp you will hear what you are missing and know what I mean.

    You say your D6C is not taking full advantage of your headphones, once you put a good headphone amp between the D6C and the headphones you may change your mind.

    What headphones are you using?



    D6C carry on.jpg
    uyuarasy, Sly. and walkman archive like this.
  8. Trymon

    Trymon New Member

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    Ok let's say more specific. Even the most Amps couldn't utilize the whole range my Headphones have. Not speaking of my ears. They are the most limiting factor. :D
    The range from 8 Hz to 48KHz is more than human ears could utilize. ;)

    Now I have a technical question. Bought a Sony power supply. Sony 6V but made a mistake and it has center positive. Not a big issue, could open it up and just switch the cables to have center negative.
    But measuring it I saw a power delivery of 8 Volt instead of the expected 6Volt. Is there a 2V drop connecting the Power supply to the device or will I fry the D6C with this power supply as it delivers to much voltage? Could somebody measure the output of an correct power supply which voltage is delivered if nothing is connected to it?
  9. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    You still don't get it? This is Like saying i got a car that does 220MPH, i can’t possibly utilise it. It’s not about what the specs say, it’s more about how well it does what it does within the usable range. I have seen many things that claim x amount but in reality can’t deliver. My headphones specs are 5Hz - 40KHz, guess what it means nothing i am more interested in the performance.

    I have a Sony WM-DD9 specs 20Hz - 20KHz and a Sony WMD6C specs 20Hz - 15KHz, guess which one sounds better? The D6C.

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