I need some help with my Sony WM-190. I can hear the motor running but the belt is gone and probably the clutch is broken but... i can't figure out how to open it without breaking it. I've found diagrams but not the exact same model. any thoughts? Also the WM-"EX" 190 is different than what i have.
Follow the service manual working on this model is not complicated. Its gonna be a fun project for you
The picture you show is WM-190 the manual i placed for you is for WM-EX190 which is a basic cheap walkman these are 2 different models Can you verify what you need?
yeah, i have the WM-190 not that WM-EX190. I've reviewed that manual before and it just doesn't line up. I'm just trying to open it up so i can see what's going on. I've unscrewed a bunch and it still seems to give me resistant so i dont want to force anything.
I will try to find the service manual for you, but you can also use the service manual for wm-150 which is close to this model with the same weakness. also read this topic about clutch repair: http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/walkman-150-clutch-repair.628/
I own several machines of this variant and the clutch is the big problem - it can be fixed and there is an excellent tutorial on S2G It is worth persevering with as the sound quality is superb with the EX Head. In poarticular, my WM-GX50 sounds wonderful! Keep us posted on your progress and let me know if you need the service manual
This walkman has so many problems that it appears to have been designed with an expiration date. Electronics: all caps go typically bad; some are smd (if i'm not wrong) very fun to replace. Transport: the clutch is surely broken or too hard to be useful; most of plastic parts do shrink and that cause some gears to crack (most notably the hub ones) and makes the whole transport feel out of alignment. If you can make it work, it surely cannot be used as a daily driver, it is too fragile and more parts will break under stress. I had two of them and, after wasting time and money, I sold them both hoping someone else will be more successful.