I am hoping for some help with my JVC-PC55. Green light comes on but the red light quickly cuts out thus providing no sound or power. Any fixes?
I opened it up and checked the fuse...seems good. I blew some dust out of way and now the red light flashes rapidly whereas before it simply went out. I can turn deck on.
Try to clean all the pots,switches etc with contact cleaner Seems like something is shorting or not engaging into circuit
I'd look closely at all of the connections going out (on the inside of the case). Look for wear or bare wires touching, headphone jacks are always a good place to start. If it's clean and looks good, you may have a component issue.
Does this happen with batteries or AC? The AC input has a spring-loaded switch inside that engages when you insert a power cord. Sometimes it becomes dirty and needs to be cleaned.