Are you using the right screwdriver for your walkman/deck?

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by walkman archive, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I've recently had some problems trying to adjust the azimuth of a walkman. The screw shows serious wear and I could not turn it, no matter which screwdriver I use, so I started to ask myself if I have the proper screwdriver.

    We all know that there are slot and cross screwdriver, but do you know which types are there and which one fits best on every screw? No, right?

    Ok, so after searching information in the Internet but specially in the Wikipedia, which is a truly valuable source of information, I've learnt that there are many types of screwdrivers, but regarding our beloved gadgets we mainly focus on cross ones, and the most important are three:
    • Phillips type
    • JIS type, and
    • Pozidriv type
    What are the differences between them? I bet all of you, like me, think they are all the same, but there are slight differences that makes only one will match perfectly. That's is specially important for those very hard to loose small screwdrivers that you often find, and makes you spend a hard time.

    The three main screwdrivers.​

    Phillips is the most known one (at least for its name) and it wasn't designed by the inventor of the cassette but by John P. Thompson who after some time sold it to the Phillips screw company. It was designed to cam out when the pressure is high, avoiding damaging the screw when it's fully screwed. The heads are usually named as PH1, PH2...

    JIS stands for Japanese Industry Standards and this kind of screw is actually called JIS B 1012. It's used by all japanese manufacturers, so yes, you'll find them in any SONY, AIWA, Nakamichi and all those japanese gear. Be careful because it looks like a Phillips screw, but it was designed to not cam out. A JIS screw is clearly identifiable by a single dot in one side of the cross.

    Pozidriv is an improved version of the Phillips with better engagement and less prone to cam out. You barely see it in gadgets, but in wood forniture. This kind of screw is clearly distinguished by tik marks at 45º from the main grooves. These heads are usually named as PZ1, PZ2...

    The three main screws. You may look for the single dot in the JIS and the 45º cross in the Pozidriv.​

    And here's the schematics:

    Phillips and JIS schematics.​

    The main problem here in Europe and US is that there are very few sources to buy authentic and precise JIS screwdrivers, and they are often expensive. You can find them in eBay and other online stores. Here in Spain is rare to find them in hardware stores. One good brand is Vessel, which makes a very wide selection of tools. I recently ordered this set for my walkmans:

    Vessel precision set TD-56S.​

    Also Hozan makes good tools.

    Be careful when searching for information about these standards, because there are a lot of misinformation out there. For example, this schematics:

    This schema is wrong. In the photo the JIS shows 'rails' into the main grooves, but there are no rails into a JIS head.
    The Phillips graph also shows a big round interior but it's not rounded.​

    Or this one:

    This schematics also show rails into the grooves again.
    Surprisingly, the graph under it shows it right.​

    After learning this, I went to check my set of screwdrivers and found that it needs replacement. Here's my set:

    My set of screwdrivers, which contains a mix of everything.​

    In a close view I realized that the orange and the blue are Phillips and JIS respectively. The quality is standard, but I'd like to get chrome-vanadium heads soon, which are much harder:

    The blue one is JIS, although with a bit pointy head, and the orange is Phillips.
    Actually I was using the orange when opening my decks. Sigh!​

    But the other two were weird; the green one is a modified version of the Phillips (notice that the grooves aren't symmetrical) and the small one (which I was using for walkmans) is actually a Pozidriv (!):

    The green one is a weird version of the Phillips and the small one, a pozidriv.​

    So, basically the question is: can I use my Phillips screwdriver with a JIS screw? Well, yes you can, but there's a high probability that you end damaging the screw and even the screwdriver. The Phillips system is aimed to cam out when excessive presure is applied, as an 'self-saving' system. The JIS system aims the person to regulate the pressure, not the screwdriver, allowing for a more precise adjustment. Using a Phillips with a JIS screw can easily wear the screw and even damage it.

    This is what happens when you use a Phillips screwdriver into a JIS screw.
    Curiosly, the opposite is not that bad.​

    This photo shows more clearly what happens when you use a Phillips screwdriver into a JIS screw.​

    So, yes, if you do care about your gadgets you should invest in a good set of JIS screwdrivers and stop damaging your screws. Every screw need a proper screwdriver.


    PS: And when you end up with a screw with the head wear and it's almost impossible to unscrew, did you know that there exist screw remover tools? Yes, you have to dig a small hole in the center of the head and put this tool into and start turning it in the opposite direction. When it finally engages the screw, it pulls it out.

    Dfcruiser, thid, Deb64 and 3 others like this.
  2. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    excellent as usual
    I have a question for you:
    Can you place some links for the screw remover tool for tiny screws?
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Jorge and Boodokhan like this.
  4. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Here's a video of the screw remover tool:

    Dfcruiser, Jorge and Boodokhan like this.
  5. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    The very first photo is a bit confusing:

    It shows Philips bits of different size, PH2 and PH1. Is there any special markings for JIS bits/screwdrivers?
  6. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Actually the name PH1 is not correct for that bit, because it's clear that it is not Phillips but JIS. But seems to me that some manufacturers do tag them as 'PH' because you can use a JIS head with a PH screw most of the cases (but not the opposite), so I guess that's the reason.
    Anyway, I agree with you that it's confusing.
  7. DutchNick

    DutchNick Active Member

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    United Kingdom
    This solves the mystery of the dimple on the screws! But buying JIS screwdrivers is a bit of a mission... for example, Vessel's website describes none of its own tools as "JIS"; all non-Pozi cross-heads are referred as "PH". Best advice might be to buy in-person to be sure of what you are getting.
    Jorge likes this.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Success, I finally got the screw off the battery door of my little pocket LCD game. I initially stripped the screw using a "normal" Phillips Bit but just got my Vessel JIS Set from Amazon, the same one as above, model TD-56S. I can't focus in closer, yet, so it's hard to make out the rounded hole. I think it also has hash marks indicating it might be pozi-drive but the Vessel JIS worked like magic. I could feel a much more positive connection and it "cracked" out the virgin screw easily even with very little contact area left in the screw.

    I was just in a few electronics shops in Akihabara, including one that had a ton of Made in Japan Tools, even using my translator they didn't know what we were asking for, nothing was labeled "JIS" but they did carry Vessel. I was hoping to get something over there but I couldn't find them and the pricing here is a little less. Now I just need to get those cool little extractors.

    DSC_0562sm.jpg DSC_0564sm.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
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  9. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Yes, that's a bit weird. MAybe they assume their tools are japanese and so JIS.

    I also opened two walkmans and they worked perfectly. The screwdriver fit into the screw like a glove.
    BTW: It's pozidriv, not 'ponzi drive' :wink2
  10. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Thank's Walkman Archive, I edited it, I was having a conversation about ponzi-schemes and it was on my brain. I still can't find the extractors over here, there's some other brands that may work fine but it's one of those things where you might only have one chance. We only had crappy large size extractors over here until recently and I've never been successeful extracting bolts, usually for automotive applications. Once you round out the head it's easier to drill out a big bolt than these time micro-bolts.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  11. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA

    Ph0 screwdriver is the only one needed to take any Sony Discman apart. Unlike my favorite Wiha set, this Wera Ph0 has JIS/JCIS [Japanese Camera Industrial Standard] markings :)
    It is available from KC Tools site, they also sell on eBay...
    Wiha set gets packed for safekeeping, this Wera will be my workhorse from now on!

    Many Thanks to @walkman archive for the info!!!
  12. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Do Discmans only use one size screw Jorge? The "0" size is the largest in my set and wouldn't have worked on the game.
  13. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    those from Sony - Yes, but you still need flat screwdrivers to adjust pots during calibration.
    I will post some photos as soon as I manage to attach a ring-light to my hi-end Leica MZ8 stereomicroscope (hi-end always gives you a lot of extra headaches:mad:)

    UPDATE: here we have a photo of two Wihas, plus Wera, plus one no-name genetic crewdriver in Ph0 size:
    P1040563.JPG P1040568.JPG

    Although not as precision-cut as its German brethren, the yellow thingy looks JIS-certifiable. The main reason NOT to use it when working on hi-end Walkmans/Discmans is the quality of the steel. It is a bit too soft, loses sharp edge easily and then strips the tight screws. And as we all know, to get a set of decent screws for a Walkman may be more expensive than $7 Wera screwdriver :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
    Mister X likes this.
  14. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Good to know that we can buy them in Europe. I didn't know that brand, but I save it. Seeing the prices it looks very good quality.

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