the dd9 sucks and is more expensive dc2

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by 19lexicon78, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. 19lexicon78

    19lexicon78 Active Member

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    why is a dd9 more expensive than a dc2?
    dc2 is the better walkman.

    ok, the tc-d5 pro2 is the best, but it's a brick. at ebay the d6c more expensive than a pro2.. F!ck... i don't understand it's price difference. the pro2 is the best.

    also i don't understand the big $$$ for the boodo. it's a dd with boost.. gee..

    tja, i never used a walkman the last 10 years... ;)
    i must say, i have a smile when using the revox b215. but that's another beast.
    yep, these days its computer digital stuff..
    love the looks of dc2. which i've said 20 years ago.
    so, it's all about nostalgia which pays $$$
    well, the dc2 wins heads down.. the ultimate 80's walkman.

    ach ja, after 20 years it's not about feeling and pionering, it's about max $$$. i miss those days. perhaps 5 people or more/less and looking for new walkman.
    those years, i've liked the dc2, but the toshiba kt4066 is far better than a sony dc2, but is less built=plastic no metal. but that's inside info.
    sony wasn't and still isn't god in the walkman world.
    new people in the walkman/discman world forget that.
    autoreverser likes this.
  2. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    It’s all about the hype. Why do people always say Nakamichi Dragon is the best tape deck? Again hype.

    As public Enemy says “Don’t believe the hype” :nwink:

    P.S. I would not say the DD9 sucks, but it’s not as good as people make it out to be.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
    autoreverser likes this.
  3. 19lexicon78

    19lexicon78 Active Member

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    we both know, the dc2 is a far better walkman than a dd9
    why, because the dc2 makes you smile.
    i don't understand why the dd9 is this expensive. i have 3 of those, never used those the last 10 years. same dc2.. ;)
    but, we as old guard. we know. it's the dc2. or for brick love=tc d5 pro2. yep, it's far better than the d6c..
    are people that stupid???
    tja, we as old guard. we know after 20 years. but perhaps the market dont think the same
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  4. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Like I said before, it’s the hype. I don’t fall for hype, I use my ears.

    I never use my DD9 either.
    stereomecha99 likes this.
  5. 19lexicon78

    19lexicon78 Active Member

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    it's stupid. we paid dd9 25-60 euro for perfect dd9. 30 euro for dc2. but those years where fun, pioneers. too us, it's all about sound and feeling of the 80.s but these days it's all about $$$
    also pro-audio prices changes
    10 years ago i almost bought a nagra t-audio newest version 1200 euro, today its 15-20k.
    the fun it's gone.
    could buy a sony ps-x9 200 euro
    or 3 philips lhh 2000 for 200 euro..
    emt 927=1000 euro
    endless deals

    i miss those days
    those days only a couple of persons who knew.
    that's 20 years ago. now its $$$$ the fun is gone
    Radio Raheem and autoreverser like this.
  6. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    A colleague got it right when he said there is a "nostagia wave". Loads of people around 50 can now afford to buy the gear they lusted after as teenagers. I have commented before how in 1989 a second hand shop had loads of HiFi separates labelled. Black HiFi Seperates £20 a unit, Silver £10. Back then everyone wanted a CD based system but you would need a couple of £hundreds to get one.

    What are todays bargains ? One that springs to mind is that you can buy a HiFi VCR with better sound quality than the majority of cassettes for well under £100. I spent six years wanting one of those before I could afford one (the first I saw for under £300). VHS cassettes are now almost worthless.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
    stereomecha99 likes this.
  7. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    It is a personal choice. Some think DD9 is the best quality sounding walkman ever made, Some don't agree.
    I call these 4 walkman units fantastic 4 (D6C, DD9, DC2, DD100) and to be honest with you I cannot feel any difference among them regarding the sound quality, Maybe there is something wrong with my hearing :lollegs:

    Vintage electronic units will gain more value since more people getting attracted to these items.
    DD9 is already reached its peak price, It will stay in this price range for another several years. D6C is an excellent unit but there many of them in the market. DC2 is undervalued compare to other fantastic 4 , and is an excellent choice for people who still care about cassettes.
    I have been monitoring walkman prices for over 4 years very closely. Most of the collectible walkman sold on Yahoo japan and ebay goes to my database, It is a hobby for me to monitor how people are attracted to certain devices.
    The next price jump belongs to DD100. You think DD100 is expensive but wait for few years to see the price of DD100 will double much faster than other walkman units.
    and I agree with @TooCooL4 , Its the hype.
  8. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    it‘s allways the fooking hype. with everything. why is an automatic chronometer so expensive ? a 20 buck quarz-watch shows time in higher precision. why do people prefer to spend an astonishing part of their income for a car, that they don‘t even have parking for when the public bus - even a taxi cost only a quarter of it and is allways available ?
    because they want it because somebody told them that they need it, because many people (many of us included) go with the flow in so,e way. if i was a 100% convinced that the DC2 is the best unit ever - why don‘t i offer all my other ones for sale ? i don‘t know...folks, too much booze tonight, need a nap now :knockout:
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  9. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    if I can say my ... I think it is not for the audio but for the mechanics ... 2 motors for the dragging of the tape .... and a legacy of the past years... the 3 heads .. three motors etc. of various brands. .. if they had made a 3-headed walkman ... now it would have no price and would be the best even if the audio and aesthetics suck ... with good reason the prices will continue to rise ... at least until the fiftieth anniversary ... then who knows
  10. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Silver965 the 2 motors in the DD9 is no big deal, only one motor works at any one time. Each motor only drives in 1 direction i.e. 1 for forward and the other for the reverse. If you look at the D6C or the DC2, they only work in 1 direction.
    The D6C / DC2 are simpler and they just get on and do the job without drama, the DD9 is complicated and not as good as it’s complication would suggest.

    Look at the Nakamichi Dragon again like the DD9, very complex but not that good. The less complicated CR-7, leaves it in a cloud of dust.

    Simple is always best.
    Radio Raheem and Boodokhan like this.
  11. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I know perfectly how it works ... I think however that many people feel that it has 2 engines and mistakenly think that it is the best ... that's all I wanted to say
  12. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Also many people have never heard it, same for the Dragon. But if you ask most people about a top flight deck, 9 times out of 10 they will say Dragon. It's a myth they have heard someone at some time say the Dragon is the best thing since sliced bread, now they just repeat it having never heard one. Before you know it, it's now propagated around everywhere and before you know it! it's now true.
  13. Chris_D

    Chris_D Active Member

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    The WM-D3 is the cheap secret fkoff Walkman everyone is ignoring. It sounds amazing. No it isn't quartz locked. No it doesnt have dual capstan. No, it isn't a looker. But it sounds as good as any of the so-called 'holy grail Walkmans'.
    I have a D6C, TCD-5M and it stands with them, not behind them.

    PS I have a Dragon. And yes, it sounds amazing but I don't claim it's the best at everything/anything. Just sounds and performs to my expectations.
    I also auditioned a refurbed DC2 and passed on buying it because I couldn't determine any tangible benefit of owning it.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  14. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    Bravo you guessed the point .... When it becomes a myth .... and on everyone's lips ... and everyone wants it
  15. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I know you like the D3, but it’s ignored because it’s a scaled down D6C and they did a bad job of it. The D3 is okay but no one picks it if there are other options avaliable.
    Boodokhan likes this.
  16. Chris_D

    Chris_D Active Member

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    It's actually ignored because of the hype surrounding the D6C, D6, DC2, DD9. Nothing more. I had a chance to buy not only a DC2 but also a DD9. I passed for the simple reason that the D3 sounded as good as, if not equal to them.
    The TCD-5M trounces all of them in the sonics department if not the portability aspect.
  17. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I know you have tried a DC2.

    I ignored D3 because i used my ears.
    Sound quality is subjective i guess we all like different things, for my ears i would not have a D3 if you paid me to have one.

    I have never heard a TCD-5 so can’t comment.
  18. 19lexicon78

    19lexicon78 Active Member

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    the tcd-5m has an other head than the d5 pro2. if you go for a brick, it's the d5 pro2. also it has xlr to record. my setup is full xlr.
    i agree, the d5 pro2 is the best i've heard. not in middle and high tones=d6c. but low tones=more body to it's sound. a full deck is far better.
    still, the d5 pro2 is the best "walkman" i've heard. that one makes me smile, far more than a dc2, but it's not portable.
    i have a d3, never used that one. didn't like it,dc2 far better. but if you can find one cheap, it's a no brainer, better than the dd's. not dd9, unfortunate
  19. Robu

    Robu New Member

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    hahaha in a way you are also contributing to the hype of CR-7. Dragon is extremely good dac. LX series like 5 or 7 share many components with Dragon and are not that hyped hence less expensive to buy and own, so they are better deal in every direction than CR-7. CR-7 is excellent dac but already hyped enough hence selling for as much as dragon. DC2 is excellent walkman in my opinion, perhaps top walkman of all times. just plain caste playing module no Bullschiit.. another one is AIWA CassetteBoy- Po6 - though with all its shortcomings, like lower betray life etc. soundwise, its headon with Sony's best of the best. Plus a very fancy Radio implementation. Radio module is like a cassette that you can take out anytime and reinsert if you want to listen to radio. I love that thing! for me Mario Bros and Aiwa-P06 are 100% nostalgia. but me saying that Po6 sounds as good, is a validated statement after many A/B comparisons.
  20. Robu

    Robu New Member

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    D6C is sure more sought after than D5 pro ii, because D6C is basically the same recorder but in smaller size. BBC was the first one to adapt D6C over D5 pro ii. and since then D6C has taken a lead over pro ii. a good D6C is selling not for $$$ but for $$$$ now. there are few new old stock pop up every now and thay go for about $1200. its crazy but its the money people are willing to spend for the piece of technology in history and priceless nostalgia. as like new D6C becoming rare in coming years, prices will only go up.

    I have 2 D6C, one for listening and another for safekeepings. I have DC2 and few AIWAs and a Nakamichi dacs. not sure about others but, I can NOT listen music on Laptop or smartphones. I get distracted into doing other stuff while on the internet. but Cassette, you live your music and indulge in it. sound is also good. analog's Distortion at 800 to 1100hz is just too sweet to let go off.

    I wish I had access to new old stock sealed audio cassettes. they sound better than newer copied. Jerks who were converting Analog albums into Digitals had no idea how to copy. they randomly raised higher freq and played down stuff they considered noice or insignificant. they also filtered out distortion. which in result make most old album sound like trash. Its only recently people are re releasing old albums in Analog and great efforts are put in to get the sound right. but that work is happening mainly in Vinyl release.
    thanks god Vinyls do not degrade like Cassettes so recording to cassettes from Vinyls is only option I have to record the sound back on to the medium I love.


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