hey guys hows everyone going. i got into this hobby by wanting to listen to my dads old tapes that he purchased when he was young and now i own 6 walkmans. i have a wm-18, wm-f8, wm-f2065, wm-D6, tcm-150 and my most recent purchase (litteraly a few hours ago) a wm-3 that is in a mint condition with the leather case. the ony ones that work are the wm-3 and the f18 but i have a few issues with the f18 which i want to fix so thats why im here
Hey, quite the collection you got there - well compared to me and my non-functioning WM-GX51, that is. Can be tough living in a country far away from pretty much everywhere (other than Oz), eh.
ha, warm welcome to the other side of the world you'll see, with time it's not the shipping and import-crap, that'll drive you mad - it's the fact that whatever drwaer you open, there's proof of your hobby visible ! i wonder what's on the tapes of your dad, in the 80'es there were a lot of great bands in NZ, just quickly remember THE CHILLS and the TALL DWARFS... cheers from germany !
haha yea its crazy how you are always wanting to buy new walkmans even tho you have 6 . Originaly i am from Macedonia, we moved to NZ about 11 years ago so all the tapes my dad has are from ex Yougoslavia, i dont have any music from NZ unfortunately but i do have a few 90s rap albums i bought from ebay recently, i also bought blank sony tapes and i have recorded songs on them using my technics deck. Cheers for the response