I have managed to look through some of my collection and I have found two which are boxed one with no headphones though . Both boxes are worn and one has a hole in the side I am not sure whether I want to sell the boxed ones as 6et but I may have some more but I ran out of steam as I am now disabled and they are hidden away in cupboards and she living. I will continue looking it just occurs to me I may be looking at the wrong ones. These are DD11 not Dc2 and I am not sure if I have got a DC2 now I will keep looking though
I just happen to to be looking on EBay and I saw these 2 Dc2 up for sale if of interest you will see one is for parts spares so it might be repairable but you will have postage costs and import duty on top I guess https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-...153398?hash=item3430732af6:g:unwAAOSwR4JfD1gP https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sony-wal...412723?hash=item3b4e297eb3:g:IP0AAOSwlx9fWSus
Thanks, but unfortunately they don't ship to the US. So you have Walkmans right? What DD Walkmans do you have? I might be interested in certain models. Thanks again
Keep looking on eBay, they come up all the time. Looking at the links posted, I would not touch the parts one looks like someone has done a number on it.