Hello everyone. I have just signed up for this forum after endless years of searching online for the Crown CRC 464. The reason is a sentimental one: many many years ago I used to have the exact same model which was given to me by my late grandfather. I understand that this may not be the place "to do business", and I apologise in advance, but I would not forgive myself if I didn't ask member deech if he has ever thought of selling it. I can tell you that this is not one of those "I'll pay anything" (I wish!) cases, rather an honest attempt to know if he is at least open to that possibility. Again, I apologise if I am doing something that goes against the rules of the forum, but, as I said, I have searched EVERYWHERE and this is the only site (finally!) where I have been able to find the Crown CRC 464. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from deech soon (I clicked on his webpage but I kept getting an error message). Because I am a new member, I wasn't allowed to reply on the specific thread, and that is why I am doing this as my "Introduction" post.
Welcome to the site Ricardo! deech pops in once in a great while, maybe he'll work a deal with you, I think he also sells on ebay so keep your eyes open on the Greek Sellers, they have some boxes that tend to be rare outside of Greece. That little Crown is a good example of a box you'll have a hard time finding.
Thank you Mister X! I am keeping my fingers crossed, as I had almost lost all hope of finding this specific model, after years and years of searching.
I'll keep my eyes open but I rarely see Crowns, they had some entry-level portables but they were only a few dollars when new over here. I know some of the models were better quality but they didn't ship many to us.
Well , Here I am !! When a topic has your nickname tagged you get a message that you are needed. Ricardo i can see where you are coming and a boombox to be collected for sentimental reasons is what keeps this hobby moving. This Crown you are looking for is a unique mono boombox. I ve seen it a couple of times on the streets. and i promise that if i see it again i will get it for you. It is quite possible that i will find it again, dont loose hope at all. I will have it in mind, just be patient. Now i cant sell mine because i love it so much and its been a jewel mono for my collection. We found the Friday the 13th boombox which was a difficult task. http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/greetings-from-camp-crystal-lake.2790/ Some pics of it
That's wonderful news. But please, stop sharing pictures of that Boombox or I'll start crying (it really brings a lot of memories)! Seriously, it would be great if you could find a way to get another one of those cassette players. How we can make it "travel" to me I have no idea, as I live in Portugal and you in Greece (is that correct?), but let's cross that bridge when we get to it and hope for the best!
They have played that a couple of times recently when the Wave105 "Golden Hour" has been 1977, with the DJ commenting that back then it sounded incredibly futuristic. It certainly stood out back then.
They usually say that no news is good news but I am guessing that, in this case, not hearing from deech is probably bad news...?
Deech is out and about, he's helped out alot over the years but that's a pretty rare box, finding two can be an exercise in patience. Even the Panasonic next to it is non-existant over here, just cross your fingers and maybe look on ebay Greece or Germany.
Patience is the key ! I m looking for this crown but i havent found one until now. I do have it in mind though. If it wasnt for that COVID-19 there would be more chances to find one. Now everything is put on pause due to lockdowns.
Less than an hour after reading that we just heard that the UK is going into a new one month long lockdown. Earlier today my sister (who is 100 miles away and trying to sort out my late parents house) said she is going to start putting VHS tapes in the dustbin. While I know that there are dozens of TDK and other quality tapes I couldn't disagree since there is currently no other place they could go. I still have a large box from the last batch in storage having postponed any Ebay selling due to the uncertainties in the current situation. If I wanted to take those to the tip I would have had to book a time to go and it might close completely next week.
Thank you for the reply, deech! I've been trying to get one of those Crown for 25/30 years, so I guess I can say that patience is my middle name