Techmoan - JVC RC-M90 The 'King of Boomboxes

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Radio Raheem, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    hope you enjoy lads
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  2. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    Watched this last night, even my brother said this Boombox was a beast!
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    an old pic of mine, excuse the mess lol
    Mister X, Silver965 and lupogtiboy like this.
  4. radiorich

    radiorich Active Member

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    Washington state
    Hello Rsdio Raheem , I enjoy Watching his videos and that is one beast and another brand was Lasonic .
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  5. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    I confess RadioRich i have never had any Lasonic im more into quality builds with logic control...i have had a couple of conion c100 though and they are a beast mate apart from questionable build quality, im just about finished buying now though as i already can't move in my one bedroomed apartment lol. Techmoan is a member here but sadly he never posts
  6. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    He really did a thorough job on that video
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  7. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I knew this was coming as he does a Patreon exclusive video once a month and unboxed it last month or maybe the month before. Like his Technics VHS PCM recorder he bought it from Russia. It turned up very well packed in a cardboard box about the size of a jukebox .He said that being a JDM model it was cheaper, although I guess it still cost quite a lot. There again they did new. On the Patreon forum I commented that these were the Samsung Galaxy Folds of their day. I didn't say iPhone 12 as those are no longer the most expensive phones, the mini probably being equivalent to an M6o back in the day.

    This month he explained reason for the video was that after reviewing a number of modern boxes of questionable quality he wanted to show how boomboxes used to be made, He also commented on the lack of decent photos of the M90, reckoning the best he had found was the cover of LL Cool Js album.

    Having followed Techmoan for a few years I know he has a Sharp GF777, so interesting that he bought the M90 to review. He has promised one more review of a modern box. My guess is a GPO Brooklyn but we will have to wait and see.
  8. Walkgirl

    Walkgirl Member

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    Did you sell him yours TIm? :thinking:
  9. Walkgirl

    Walkgirl Member

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    He is active on S2G but he keeps low profile then he "borrows" knowledge from here and makes videos :noway:
  10. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    I doubt it would be the GPO, as some members have reported that its tape deck is rather crude. I bet he'll review a DiamondBoxx as that's one of the higher quality ones out there. Sure it's only bluetooth, but I don't think there's a good tape deck boombox currently being made, unless you count that Toshiba Aurex TY-AK1 with its so-called "high res" deck which really isn't.
    Walkgirl likes this.
  11. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I doubt if it will be a Bluetooth only device as there are dozens of fairly decent ones (although it is annoying how few of them have a handle.

    His mission over the past few years is to find a decent cassette based Boombox that is readily available (although that includes Japanese imports).

    It won't be the Toshiba as he has already reviewed it

    The best he has managed so far is rather mundane Panasonic

    There have also been a few duds, but at £30 from Aldi what do you expect.

    In his Patreon videos he has said that the Cassette Deck videos get good views, unlike his recent MiniDisc packaging one that was a complete flop.
    I think his personal interest is his collection of Pre-Recorded HipHop cassettes, although he could now play them on his M90.

    p.s Another good source of information on new cassette decks is VWestlife. He determined that what look like Tanashin mechanisms are actually cheap copies.

  12. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I love his videos, I have the same facination with older technology and it's great hearing a professional summery. It's too bad the forum can't be read back to it's 2002 beginnings easily, there was a ton of stuff in the beginning and I'm sure there was a bunch of good photos of the M90 back then.

    Modern boxes are fine but most are just different cosmetics and not very well done, they'd compare with mid-level Sanyos at best. For a young kid or BT garage radio I'm sure they're fine. He should get some of the bigger sellers, GPO, ION, Victrola and pull them apart and show us what the guts are. For me personally I like vintage, anything with a little age on it is much more appealing then most new items.

    Wait! He did a review of of the ION, where have I been? Looking at his views, the Minidisc Packaging is anemic, I wonder if that has anything to do with the North American Market not really getting into the format.

    VWestlife has some great information, he shows up over on Audio Karma once in a while.
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  13. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Welcome back flower...i must have had over a dozen m90's over the years but the two in my pic are here to stay...i was thinking of selling them a few months ago but i won't be selling them now, i actually gave one away on boomboxery a couple of years ago but it was a spares repairs unit, the guy came from London to pick her up so all good...

    i think the main box left for Techmoan to review is the conion c100 f as most of us aren't into modern rubbish, even if it sounds good they would probably only last a year at best and wouldn't interest us so yes i would like him to review the conion c100 for sure

    the last conion c100 i had blew my brain it was just to big though at my age
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2020
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  14. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You guys with the monster cool boxes kill me, some of you have had several units. I've found some cool stuff but I'd have to pay big Ebay Money for the Conion or the M90 and they were expensive back in the 2000's, not as much but a purchase I couldn't justify. Luckily almost all boomboxes and Walkmans have really jumped up in value, not just the grails, even my Sports Model Walkmans are going for decent money now. When people ask why I like them, I show them the crazy Russian Ebay listings.

    I'd love to see a Conion Video, give us some company history and square off with the M90, or maybe the Telefunken.

    I did a screen grab from the video, in case anybody is wondering what Mr X looks like, this is me 1978! I would have had an Alva Board, ACS Trucks, Kryptonic Wheels and Rector Pads but the big old concrete bowl was so much fun, until they built the pool and 1/2 pipe. There was always a boombox nearby and when were skated home, we took out our Walkmans.

  15. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    that is one reason i sold my conion mr x i couldn't justify the price at a grand it was to much lad....most of my m90's were back door deals at a quarter of the price which i doubt you could do now...i don't even look for cheap m90's anymore....both of my m90's were basket cases one was trashed in the post and the other came of member Deech, it was so bad i think it took 2 or 3 years to restore lol....there was an m90 a few months ago most of it was smashed up and even that went for $500 .....i know you guys like the high prices but to me it takes away all the fun and interest for people even if they have money etc

    i would rather buy good quality hifi components instead but even that has gone through the roof...those pioneer amps cost me about £500 each and sadly there just paper weights now lads

    i can tell you for free guys, i love my m90's but no box is worth a grand, i don't care what it is lol
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
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  16. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Once you start using an inflation calculator you will realise boxes like the M90 were over a grand new. Looking through the comments in the video someone paid £220 for a GF9494 back in 1982. That's £780 in 2019 money.

    Of course the question now is whether any phone is worth more than a Grand. Somehow I can imagine a few Apple Fanboys being disappointed by the low prices of the iPhone 12. Pricing the iPhone 10 at over £1000 probably boosted sales.
  17. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i found it much easier to get a 2 grand hifi in the 90's for £10 a week than dealing with todays prices Longman i guess it really does mean a grand is nothing now, i get £1400 a month on welfare lad but it goes nowhere and most people on welfare i know get £70 a week which i think is totally insane, i guess like everything i just can't get my head around it these days lad
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    Mister X and Walkgirl like this.
  18. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    example of expenditure, i spent £260 on a pair of monitor audio tweeters which i blew last year (what happened to the days when tweeters were 10 each) the speakers were worth 3 grand though...i gave my friend £100 as it really is impossible to live on £70 a week, paid bt £200, ever tried smoking well that's another £300 then food and normal bills on top of that, and bingo skint again for another fortnight lol
  19. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I distinctly remember the turning point at which I started wondering about the merits of expensive electronics.
    In the late 1990s was in Dingles and they had an LG 15" LCD TV / monitor reduced from £1000 to £650. Thinking how useful it would be I came very close to buying it but decided £650 was still a lot of money. About three or four years later I got a new 22" LG TV Monitor for £200. I've had my moneys worth from that as I'm using it as I type.

    High prices might explain my aversion to Smartphones. My first mobile was £60, 2nd £30, 3rd £100, 4th £100. I have three MP3 players that each cost me more than £100, but spending big money on a phone that could get dropped, lost or broken isn't that appealing to me.

    If you want to know what the real money pit is it's cars. My last service was £830. With my previous car I spent about £5000 (I did work out the exact figure) on servicing and maintenance over the 11years I had it, only to drive it to the garage on three cylinders and get £170 trade in. Since my work moved I need a car to get to work and unlike some people I don't really have room for more than one. Anyway that would incur extra costs like insurance and road tax. I know some people here do their own maintenance but I stopped doing most of that in the 1980s when my attempt to change some brake shoes ended up with a piston popping out of the brake cylinder and landing on the lawn ! The funny thing is I have successfully changed the cambelt on a Pinto engine myself while the main dealer made such a hash of it on my current car that it was off the road for a month. At least they provided a courtesy car and paid for the new cylinder head themselves. I can see the appeal of the "Just Add Fuel" deals but a colleague spent £300 getting his car valeted and the wheels repainted just before he handed it back as experience says they will find any fault and start charging you for it.

    Maybe the next car will be electric.
    Mystic Traveller likes this.
  20. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    How is that, Rah-rah mate?
    Is this their only income - approx. 300 pounds per month?
    By now I've spent more than a year in Oxford in total, come and go,
    so a sort of know how it goes there. Got used to a usual living.
    Even putting the house rent aside I couldn't have survived there on that sum.. :(

    BTW, in March was thinking about dropping by your place :) (a bit far from me though)
    but had to leave due to this BS virus mess.

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