This week in music charts!

Discussion in 'Music: Albums, cassettes, new releases...' started by Mister X, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I love checking out these old charts, feel free to add anything that happened on this day in history!

    8/28/87, I know all of these bands except maybe two? I'd have to listen to the songs.

    RR-1987-08-28 pdf.png
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    and the albums....

    RR-1987-08-28 2.png
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I was just going to write about the importance of the charts.
    In the U.K there was only one chart that really mattered.
    Based on actually sales you could end up with Country, New Wave, Heavy Metal, and Novelty records in adjacent position.
    It would determine who got shown on Top of the Pops later that week, one of the rules being that they never showed acts that were going down the charts.

    You can still look at what was happening that week

    From a few weeks earlier I found a more comprehensive explanation.
    I'm wondering if the text is Bruno Brookes exact words.

    The bit about Def Leppard is particularly interesting. Imagine following them for eight years and then seeing them finally getting a Top Forty hit
    and an appearance on Top of the Pops.

    Of course I am sure there were at a few fans who would claim they had sold out and gone too mainstream.
    Some people thought any band that played Top of the Pops had "sold out".
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
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  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    One of the cable channels was playing vintage TOTPs Shows, some were pretty good. Personally I don't think Def Leppard sold out, I do call them "Pop Tarts" my word for heavy metal bands that got glossy, and a lot of them did. I think their problem was more to do with losing Steve Clark and Pete Best before him. There's some long threads on music forums discussing how much input those guys had on the first three albums. Over the years, in concert, it seemed like 3/4 of the set were the ballads, enough that I quit going to the shows.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2021
  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    September 3rd 1983, some say this was the best year ever for music, check out the diversity! Old bands, new bands, lot's of "classic" albums and songs and this is just the rock chart. Def Leppard, 32 freakin weeks on the charts with their amazing album and The Fixx, 16 weeks with Reach the Beach, another classic. AC/DC started a downhill slide but kicked it back up a few years later. Bryan Adams chases Def Leppard with 31 weeks, they both toured together in the early 2000's, great concert, ours was outdoors.

  6. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Why just look at the charts when you can listen to one from today 43 years ago?

    Hopefully you can listen on Youtube like I can.

    In the U.K. there was only one chart that had any significance and it was this one,
    based on the previous weeks sales, and presented like this every week on a Sunday.

    This was the reason every teenager with any interest in pop music wanted a Radio Cassette Recorder. It seems like RetroRadioUK got himself a very nice Akai home system.
    If you could afford the tapes, and the DJ didn't talk too much over the music, it was like getting a KTel album every week. Of course the novelty of some songs would wear off when you got a song like Bryan Adams "Everything I Do" which stayed at Number One for sixteen weeks back in 1991, so most people would be sat there with their fingers on Play and Record hoping to time it right to just record the songs they liked and hadn't recorded the previous week (not that I ever did such a thing :wink2). If you didn't get it you either had to buy the album or hope that a copy would turn up in a bargain bin or in a second hand shop.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    We had Casey Kasem's Top 40 over here, one of the local stations still broadcasts vintage episodes from the 80's on Saturday Morning, it's amazing how so many songs still sound overplayed. You could play me the top 40 today and I might know 1 song, maybe.....
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Let's go back to 1988 this week, you could definately make a case for Guns N Roses, but I'm also liken Bobby Brown and Depeche Mode with their classic albums. Alot of blah music but most is still played today.

    Monday-Morning-Replay-1988-09-19 pdf.png
  9. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I wonder if youngsters are still interested in The Charts? I don't remember when I last listened to them but then I don't like modern rap music which seems to dominate them.

    People listening to streaming services also seem to like the classics
    I do wonder if, after synthpop, every music style that can be done now has been so while there have been recent tracks I have liked like The Weeknd they wouldn't sound out of place in an 80s chart.

    I have just got to the end of listening to the chart. I last heard 10CC's Dreadlock Holiday on the radio about a week ago. I don't think I have heard the David Essex or Commodores tracks for a while and enjoyed them both.

    I had been looking for old progammes like this and the Youtube recommendations suddenly suggested one of these. The same person has posted several dozen on Youtube.
    Mister X likes this.
  10. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Longman I did record the charts when I was younger, I still have 2 cassettes of the charts. I have May and June 1986. I got the tracks i wanted did not really have to hover over the recorder as I knew the tracks I wanted and what position they were in. Most kids waited till Sunday, what they did not notice was the charts was released on Tuesday. Since I knew by Tuesday, I was ready when it was played on Sunday.

    Here are links to the ones I have in my music library May 1986 and June 1986
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  11. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I have inserted the smiley that was obviously required. I have at least a dozen tapes of "Top 40 hits" recorded in the first half of the 1980s. Back then I listened to them so much that I knew which song was coming next, and even which songs I mis-cued or the DJ talked over.

    Listening to the chart I posted above the biggest surprise was the traffic announcement in the middle, especially bearing in mind that people all over the U.K. would be listening. I hope everyone survived as it sounded to be a serious accident.

    As for the charts being announced earlier in the week, when my parents got a Teletext TV I quickly realised I could check the Chart Positions using that, so if the track I was interested in was at Number 3 I had a good idea when it was going to be played. I don't think I bought many singles, saving my money for Albums which, if they had four or five good tracks were better value for money.
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  12. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I bought loads of singles but 12" singles at that, but was in the 90's when I had loads more disposable cash. Here are my 12" singles.
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  13. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The only charts I see is when MTV has the VMA Awards and I know maybe 1/2 the bands up for an award but I rarely know the songs. In the old days the kid's pop station never had anybody up for an award except maybe new artist, the other stations with all kinds of formats did. Now it's flipped, the crappy little kid's station, basically playing the same music they've had the past 40 years is the only one with artists up for awards.

    We have a public station that does have a chart show. I used to listen to them alot more, the music is getting generic these days, it's harder to find stand-out songs, most sound like their done in a basement with a couple people and a computer but some good ones will happen ever once in a while.

    Speaking of rap, our local indy urban station is cranking out 80's classics this morning, you can't go wrong with King of Rock, RUN DMC!
  14. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Cash Box Magazine was a popular source for music information, 2nd to Billboard, here's the charts from October 2, 1982. There's a ton of minor hits from big bands but nothing I would consider metal which is very surprising.

    CB-1982-10-02 pdf.png
  15. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Valentine's Weeks, 1981, from Record World on www.worldradiohistory
    Lot's of classics still getting air time today but also a lot I've never heard of. One of my favorite's Flash's Theme (Queen), I don't know I thought that was a cool soundtrack, I still have the cassette. Devo and Whip It, another alternative classic that still sounds better than most of the alternative I hear today.

    Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 15-23-25 RW-1981-02-14 pdf.png
  16. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Here are the U.K. breakers from the same week

    Listening to Wave105's Golden Hour on the way into work each morning I think that the 80s as we know it started in 1981. The first three groups/artists in this mix, Duran Duran, Kim Wilde, and Toyah were all making their chart debuts. Moving into the 21st Century I have seen all three of them.
  17. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You can definately see the blending of the 70's and new 80's music. Heart, Andy Gibb, Leo Sayer, John Lennon, etc all getting the last bit out of the charts with future million sellers like Hall & Oates, Loverboy, Police, Pat Benatar and more putting out some big classics. I think there was so much good new music coming out a lot of the established 70's band were pushed aside shortly after this. I do love the story of bands like KISS that were able to transform into hair metal for the 80's and stay on the charts.
  18. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I'd never heard of Heart until they started playing this on the Radio in 1986

    I bought the album and thought they were an amazing new band, so it was a surprise when a colleague (who was far more into music than me) said they had been around for years.

    Another band that completely transformed themselves was Genesis. In the 1970s they were only known to Prog Rock enthusiasts. In the 1980s both they, and Peter Gabriel, were regularly in the singles charts.

    p,s, R.I.P John Lennon who was murdered in December 1980.
    Even in February 1981 he had two songs in the Top 20 as a result
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
  19. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Oh yea, I was totally wrong, they went big-time hair metal and had a huge come back. They came out with Barracuda around 75 and were huge over here. I saw the singer solo and live three years ago and her voice still sounds great.
  20. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    How could I forget this thread? How bout one from Billboard Magazine (Thanks !)
    From a great year, 1984, this was hot this week! 95% of this is still in heavy rotation! I love seeing one of my favorites, The Fixx "Deeper And Deeper" Everything else was awesome, Slade coming back following Quiet Riot's Remake of their song. Runaway is the #1 Single! Sadly I have no idea who "Duke Jupiter" is?

    If anyone wants to get on my boombox listening session, I'm on our public radio station with no ads! It's rock-block weekend and their pulling out some classics, the B-52's are cranking right now!

    Screenshot 2022-05-28 at 12-20-00 BB-1984-05-26.pdf.png

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