Hi guys, New here, I’m just trying to repair a dd2 Walkman, the usual, center gear, small RQ gear, new caps etc. so I done everything by the book, center gear replace, clean lube…. All the goodie’s. Now it’s working beautiful, great sound but…. The FF button it’s not working, very hard to push and some grinding noises, Rw and play are ok, before I disassembled all buttons were ok, I would like to know what’s wron. Thanks. Gustavo
Well it seems Marian Center Wheel works like charm, my only regret is the FF, is not working well, I don’t care, just listening the sound this produces makes my day.
Haha...the Guardians V1.0 soundtrack selection is a good choice. Always liked the DDII myself from a natural EQ sound perspective. I have 5 in the collection but I've never done the caps. We're you able to compare the sound before the nichicon caps were installed?. If the caps were OK in that there was no volume drop from one channel to the other I am curious to know how much of a difference you get on these caps which I assume are the modern tantalum ones.
@Silverera - nope, those look like UMW audio-grade electrolytics from Nichicon and they do make a difference compared to the 40-yo half-dried caps! For my fav, every-day workhorses I go for the Rubycon Black Gate caps: those are pricey compared to UMW but at $20 a-piece it's next-to-nothing compared to $1k+ power-cords a Dude has to get for his Ultimate Stereo ... @Gustavo Fernández Johnson - I LOVE your motorized Torque screwdriver, I used to have torque-ed one from Wiha but not sure I will ever go for the 'motorized' one: I like to have a feel at what I am DAMAGING!...
Hello Gustavo, "Nothing better than a complete recap with nichicom caps." you said it I use that brand of capacitors in everything from my tube radio to my Sony walkman . I just bought another Antique Sony radio from 1959 . Sincerely Richard
Hi With the new caps the sound is a new discovery!! Treble and bass 100% better.... Actually everyone by now should be changing caps. Gustavo
This one is the ES 120, you can manage torque, so no damage screws hahahah, you should try it.. Gustavo
Hi Richard, I just recapped all my Walkman's with Nichicom caps, another sounding machines definitely. Regards, Gustavo
Last but not least, one of the door hinges was broke “accidentally “ jejeje but just bought the fix part and works perfectly, pretty easy to bond. Gustavo
Hello Gustavo, my last total recap was a Jcpenny's model 44375 which was made by Panasonic AM/FM - Phono
Oh yes. That door hinge on DD's is so easy to damage if the door has too much force applied when removing flat batteries for instance. A tip especially with NiMH rechargeable AA cells is remove the outer battery first, the one further away from the capstans, using a small jewellery screwdriver to lift the battery gently out of the bay. The older alkaline batteries from the 80's were slimmer fitting than new NiMH batteries which have a lot of advantages but not when your hand slips removing a tight fitting battery and the back of your hand strikes the open cassette door. Often a disaster!