Batteries? WM-D6C or whatever?

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Kiwinut, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. Kiwinut

    Kiwinut Member

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    New Zealand
    Just a quick question do you leave your batteries in your portable devices? Even if you don’t use it for a month?
    Just to let you know that I always use Eneloop batteries as they state they they hold their charge for quite a long time.
    Maybe this is a question for the tech repairer’s.

    Cheers Kiwinut
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  2. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    As I am changing over to using rechargeable batteries, I am no longer leaving any carbon zinc or alkaline batteries in any more devices because they leak and corrode and all that because that ruins devices.
    As far as leaving batteries in devices, whether it be a Walkman or a boombox a flashlight or whatever. I am not leaving anymore alkaline or carbon zinc batteries and any of that stuff and when I do find those batteries most the time they're dead because well I just can't remember.
    I have left batteries and CD players and other small devices but only using rechargeables because I know they won't leak. As I have a limited number of batteries recharge. Well, I've learned to not leave any more batteries in any more devices. However, I do forget from time to time and leave my rechargeable batteries in some devices but I try not to.
    I don't know if you've ever owned a maglite flashlight and have your alkaline batteries corrode inside of those, as they were a pain to get out. If you can get them out and if you can't get them out you have to throw it the entire flashlight and that's a lot of money in some cases.
    Bottom line, if you leave batteries in any devices make sure they're rechargeables because if they're not, you're going to lose your device along with your batteries. That's just common sense.
    Hyperscope, Kiwinut and Boodokhan like this.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I've got a couple hundred small units in my office, I kick myself when I find either nasty alkalines (what they came with) or my Eneloops forgotten in them.
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  4. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Hahaha hahaha hahaha
  5. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    :wink: Must be some office... are there pictures somewhere?

    I have been using Eneloops since 2006 and they are fine to leave in devices that don't have a parasitic load (keep using power even when powered off) even for years. I never leave any battery in the WM-D6C though.

    Yeah I found a blue 3D Maglite that had 1 battery corroded in it, drilled it out, sanded the inside aluminum down, one more saved from the landfill. Not worth the effort except that it was a blue one so I felt compelled to save it :thumbsup:
    Cassette2go likes this.
  6. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    We should start a new thread about flashlights. I have more than you could possibly imagine! 17244566868904636320610652402097.jpg
    There's my 4D maglite with a three LED Teralux I think it's the brand name of the drop-in replacement for upgrading this larger flashlight. Meanwhile, I have a 3c LED zenter powered flashlight that I use all the time now and no worries with batteries corroding inside.
  7. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    These flashlights are powered by 26650 lithium batteries which are hard to find now but they do have inserts for the 18650 batteries which are also hard to find. That's why I don't use them. 17244568770472637692044693630223.jpg
    Then I have all these headlights I use when working on boomboxes and electronic items and such
    Then we have my Nightcore murse keychain flashlight and then my EDC pocket flashlight and then a keychain mini maglite one AAA flashlight.
    I have these three with me everyday everywhere I go.
    Hyperscope likes this.
  8. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Nah... I was a flashlight fanatic over at CandlePowerForums back in the 2009 time period... I have lights covered pretty well :biggrin: Though kind of a minimalist... very picky. Like with these cassette radio's and such. I have a Mag85 "hotwire" and a few modded Maglites, a couple Fenix, old Petzl Mega's (with various upgrade LED's), many old Inova lights, "Photon Freedom" small CR2032 clip on lights etc,. etc,. I am moving towards getting back into lights again now that I can waste the cash on such crap... I must not get lost in mindless materialism. Help!
    Cassette2go likes this.
  9. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    I thought I'd post from the beginning and just show you my container plastic of rechargeable batteries of all sizes. AAA AA C and D
    So that's just a container of batteries
    In the upper center of this picture, there's a plastic bag of most of my gum stick batteries and then the little tiny package. I have two of the USBC rechargeable gumstick which I recently got from AliExpress, The green one is not. It's a regular nicocadium
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  10. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    And I forgot about this package of gumstick batteries that I bought from somebody way back when I opened one and I still have three that are brand new. I don't know what they're worth or if they're even valid anymore if they've still held their charge or anything like that, but just here's a picture 17248643651361509016390168705866.jpg
    These are the Sony nh-14wm 1400 milliamp size battery rechargeable ni-mh three of them

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