Can anyone recommend any good books published that covers vintage cassette players in decent depth (not just one or two passing images and descriptions)? Keen to learn more. Cheers
That's a good question , when you say "vintage cassette players" you mean in general or portables that this site is dedicated ? Nevertheless the answer is none exists, at least to my knowledge, in both cases but there is a superb site for Sony walkmans if you are not already aware of it : the Walkman Central run by Tim Jarman and Nick Jarman. If you like Bang&Olufsen you are in luck because Tim and Nick Jarman have published a book about collecting B&O ,I have bought that book and definitely recommend it. I wish they publish someday a book about walkmans.
This is one of the few books on boomboxes and well worth a read:
Google Books has some interesting information in it. They have Popular Science, Popular Mechanics and some older music related magazines. It can be tough to get to the correct page but you can search the entire library of magazines on a topic like "Walkman" I'm not sure if this link works but there's a good article from 81 in this issue of Popular Mechanics.
Not walkman , but interesting book About recording