Play cassette for sale 11 November 2024 Sanyo MR9600 Sanyo M9994 Sanyo M9994K

Discussion in 'Auctions and classifieds' started by Cassette2go, Nov 11, 2024.

  1. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    Play cassette for sale 11 November 2024 Sanyo MR9600 Sanyo M9994 Sanyo M9994K
    ( I voice the prices at the end of the video )
    Play cassette for sale 11 November 2024 Sanyo MR9600 Sanyo M9994 Sanyo M9994K (17:38) minutes

    or view me in facebook as I was live...

    Sanyo MR9600 Sanyo M9994 Sanyo M9994K Play cassette for sale 11 November 2024
    (14:53) minutes
    Hyperscope likes this.
  2. Michiel

    Michiel Member S2G Supporter

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    THE only Professional boombox. With beautiful vintage looks and the suitably impressive sound quality. These boxes are becoming increasingly rare. Unfortunately I hardly see them for sale anymore. Nicely positioned between the Aiwa TPR-950 and JVC M70. An asset to any collection. My personal favorite. Nice vid and good luck with the sale James. It will hurt to let them go, I suspect.
    Emiel and Cassette2go like this.
  3. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Vancouver Canada
    Awesome. Very interesting.

    What about those super high end Walkman's you have also?

    Put the top 5 or 6 models together and take a picture in a new sale thread here. I might be interested in one. But can't remember what models you had apart from the D6 and D6C?
    Cassette2go likes this.
  4. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    No, I can't wait to get rid of these they're not hurting me at all letting them go. I have so many other models I like much better than these
    Michiel likes this.
  5. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    I'm awaiting an order I placed at fixer audio. You know the place in Slovakia. I can't say it right in the pound here anyway, once those get here and I start trying to fix these walkmans and then listen to them and then at that time I'll discover which ones I want to sell and so on and so forth cuz I don't want to sell them without hearing them and to hear them. I got to put a belt in them and if it's too difficult for me to put the belt in then I will let them go as well with the belt if I haven't messed it up too much or if at all understand. Thanks for your interest. But unless you have specific model that you're interested in trying to get from me, I'm not going to be making a sale video or like that. I can post pictures but I'm not going to be selling any of the walkmans until I understand with Meijer. How will they work and or sound if I can just get pi with putting a belt in them?.
  6. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Vancouver Canada
    That makes sense :thumbsup:
    Cassette2go likes this.

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