Just found my old Boodo Khan walkman last week in a bunch of boxes. I hardly used it before storing it - (moved around quite a bit when I was alot younger). Now trying to figure out what to do with it. Interested in reel to reels (Technics 1500 series (which I cant afford) and Pioneer 707 (more my style)). Got back into vintage stereo equipment - bought an old Bryston amp and old Martin Logan speakers for downstairs music room I am building. Still cant get into vinyl and have gotten rid the old turntable and records (cant believe what people will pay for them!). Upstairs - have the old Technics 9000 series (9010, 9020, 9060 etc and the slimline cassette player) as well as some old maggies. Hoping I can get some info on restoring the Boodo Khan - dont think the gear is damaged - but will probably have to decide what to do with it. Thats it for now Brian
Welcome aboard Brian. I published a deep review about it some time ago at my website: http://walkman-archive.com/gadgets/walkman_sony_04_dd100_v2.htm
Welcome to the forum, Brian. I am your neighbour in B.C.. I am interested in seeing a few pictures of your Technics 9000 series equipment. Not often seen altogether. Nando.
Got the tuner, preamp, & amp first. Then picked up the rest of the pieces separately over the years. Have to deoxit some of the switches - they don't make contact once in awhile.
Right on. You might want to check out this thread for members' home set-ups. http://stereo2go.org/forums/threads/show-us-your-home-setup.119/ Nando.
Thank you Brian. I tried my best to make a good, deep article about it, although I'd like to update it with more information somewhat soon...