Hi from Barcelona!

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by HiFi22stealth, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. HiFi22stealth

    HiFi22stealth New Member

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    Barcelona (Spain)
    Hi everyone!

    I'm a 24-year old engineering student, 'wanna-be audiophile', as well as an SWL (ShortWave Listener, which although it's our 'official' designation, is not a very accurate term, as my listening activity as a radio hobbyist is not limited to shortwave, or what's the same, the 3-30MHz range... I like to look for signals all over the radio spectrum!). I've also been an aviation passionate for almost as long as I can remember, and in fact my radio hobby started when I was looking for a receiver to listen to aircraft communications!

    I discovered this site through my co-citizen @walkman archive's excellent webpage, around the same time I registered to Tapeheads, before the summer... As this during this summer I've been dedicating more time to my radio hobby (due to spending quite a lot of time on holidays in the countryside, where reception is much, much better than in my usual location in the city, where the levels of RF noise and general 'electro-smog' are high, especially on the shortwave/HF bands, therefore ruining my reception of weak signals), I've not found the time to sign up here till now!

    As for my story with tape and analog audio in general, and to avoid making this post very lengthy, I'll just link my introduction post at Tapeheads here, which is the one that became very long-winded, haha: http://www.tapeheads.net/showthread.php?t=57572
    I also posted some pictures of my audio/radio setups in there, so you'll be able to see what's the gear I'm using! Most of it, serviced and 'fine-tuned' by @Sergi, who I also discovered through @walkman archive's webpage... The only piece of equipment that's missing in that thread, is my Sony D6C (first version, with the 'pointy' head!), which I purchased afterwards off eBay... First time for me buying a 'higher end' piece of audio equipment and can't say anything else but that I'm absolutely in love with it!!! I actually can't believe it's mine... it's such a fine bit of kit! And the sound is breathtaking with my best headphones (Sennheiser HD 449)... I opened this Tapeheads thread about it when I got it: http://www.tapeheads.net/showthread.php?t=57630

    Anyway, happy to be here... I may not be able to post a lot, due to my schedule as a student outside holiday periods... But I still look forward to enjoying my time here a lot!:thumbup:

  2. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Welcome David, i can't seem to access your tapeheads post so maybe copy and paste? Regardless, great to have you aboard.
  3. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    Hello David
    Welcome aboard. I checked your post on tapeheads, loved your aqua green Panasonic RQ-SX52.
  4. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    the middle of nowhere
    Hi from England. My daughter, who is also an engineering student, by coincidence will be in Barcelona tomorrow!

    Cant access your tapeheads thread as I'm not a member, but welcome anyway! :)
  5. HiFi22stealth

    HiFi22stealth New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Barcelona (Spain)
    Thanks for the replies! Wow Northerner, that's a coincidence! Hope she enjoys her stay here!

    For those who can't access my Tapeheads introductory thread (I didn't remember that part of the forums was not accessible to unregistered users!), I'm pasting it here as T-ster suggested! It's quite long, so I apologize in advance! Here it goes:

  6. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Welcome David,

    A few of us will be interested to hear about your "Shortwave " receivers.

    The widest coverage radio I have here is an Icom PCR1000.
    10KHz to 1.3GHz with all major modes is quite wideband.

    For more casual listening I have a Sony ICF2001D.
  7. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Welcome to S2G, David! :wavey:
  8. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm very pleased to know that there's another co-citizen here! So have a warm welcome aboard, David.
    I've read your introduction, even the one at TH and, boy, that's indeed a looong introduction!! :swoon
    I loved it, though :thumbsup:

    You have a good bunch of devices and I bet you spend quite a time enjoying those. The hpyerbolic headed D6C is quite a finding. It's the best sounding D6C out there. I have one too (between my 4 D6C) and it sounds incredibly well.
    So feel free to share whatever you want.

    PS: IF you don't mind, you can start here the same threads you did at TH to help members here discuss. Suggestion: just copy and paste your original post, in a new thread, and that's all. the system will grab even the images perfectly without worries. Truly a 15 second task.
  9. HiFi22stealth

    HiFi22stealth New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Barcelona (Spain)
    @Longman: Yes, I'll have to open a radio thread! I think there are many contact points in between those two 'worlds': audio (HiFi) and radio (SWL and ham radio)... I think that would fit in the "The Lounge" section...

    @Mystic Traveller: Thanks! :)


    @walkman archive: Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I think I went a bit overboard with that long introduction... but at the same time, I felt it could be interesting to everyone! So I'm happy to know it was a good read :thumbup:

    Regarding the D6C, yes, that was a great find! It's a completely unmodded unit as far as I know, and like I said, it sounds great to my ears, although I still have a long way to go to be able to really distinguish subtle differences in audio quality, so maybe in some time I'll appreciate it even more!
    Also, recently a new car entered the garage at home, and being like modern cars are, the entertainment system is totally integrated and the cassette slot is far gone, although it has that analog AUX input... So I thought, what better than a D6C and its line output for me to have the capability to play cassettes in that car? The only drawback is that the audio processing is all by means of DSP, so there's no possibility of having a completely analog signal path... It sounds good still, and I guess that is due to the D6C being a quality audio source for that DSP to work with!

    And yes, when I have time I'll copy my D6C thread so that it can be discussed here as well:thumbsup:

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