Hi My name is Gary and I live in Wales. I am after a walkman to try and recapture my youth. Not sure which model to go for.... Dd or a d6c. Just not sure
Welcome to Stereo2go Gary. Both DD’s and D6C’s models are good, just go for the one you can find at a reasonable price that works well.
It is easier now thanks to the availability of a replacement gear by one of our esteemed members. Search ebay for Sony DD gear and you will see them for sale from mihokm. He has also made an excellent guide.
Thanks all. Matter of interest what would you all recommended as a good sound quality easily available walkman?
hi gary, welcome aboard from me as well - is there an era you prefer ? if you like mechanic buttons go for a Sony WM-23
Hi. I don't mind which era but would like one that works and sounds nice without having to spend £400
Hi Gary DD and D6c are excellent choices. D6c gives you the recording option as well as excellent sound.