So I just ordered a Sony WM-2 off of eBay, and it just came in today. I knew I needed to replace the belt, which I did. To do so I lifted the circuit board to access the drive system. After changing the belt, I tested the power to make sure everything was still working and then put the board back in place. But after doing that, the power doesn't work anymore. I checked all of my wires and contacts and all are connected and making contact properly. I don't know what to do. This also happened to an old WM-DDII I had a few years ago. I'm getting really frustrated with this issue. Any advice?
By 'power doesn't work any more' do you mean it's completely 100% dead? So, the red operation light doesn't come on?
is it still open ? make sure all battery-connectors are still in the right position and (sorry to ask) - do you have the batteries in the right way ?
Yeah it’s still open. Batteries are in the right way, and all connectors are correct. I’ll post some photos in a moment.
when you lift of the mainboard again, somewhere there must be a tiny little switch (like feathers) wich starts the motor - make sure it's in the right position ! i don't have any open wm-2 here, otherwise i could show you...
...whenyou check your first pic: that switch i mean is visible in that gap on the right side just between the play and stop- button - make sure it can move easily, once you press any button besides stop, it must give contact. you easily bend this thingy when reassembling your unit...
I’ve been working on it. I’ve cleaned all the contacts and made sure everything is moving and touching the way it’s supposed to. Still nothing though.
are you 100% sure on the wired connections? Is it possible one needs resoldering? Does the wm2 have a power adapter connection? Could you get a power adapter and check it that way?
I decided to break out the multimeter and test all the wiring to be sure. I ended up finding that the negative wire on the battery terminals had disconnected. I resoldered it and I’m happy to say I’ve got power again
The only thing left for me to do now is resolder the volume pot and make sure that works and I’ll be finished with this restoration.