Hi I am new to this world but I am very interested. As a 22 year old cassettes where always that thing from long ago but we don't talk about it anymore because CD and downloads duh. for a long time all I really thought of cassettes as some primitive thing that you had to use a pencil to rewind. that changed when I picked up my first Walkman. Of course I took it apart because that is what I do when I want to learn about something. I was amazed at the circuitry but also physical things (belts and gears). I put it back together and put in a Bruce Springsteen cassette I picked up with the Walkman. Wow the sound was not just bearable it was Great! since then I have been hooked, doing research on features (mega bass , dolby , auto reverse) so cool. I started a small collecting them. I only have three. I am not trying to get crazy but I am sure its a thin line before you have a bookcase of Walkman. I joined this forum to learn more maybe get some help along the way. Cheers!
Welcome Josh. Until portable CD players (weighing several times the weight of a Walkman and getting though a set of batteries in a couple of hours) appeared manufacturers put a lot of effort into perfecting the Personal Cassette player and consequently sold them by the million. A colleague once commented that a technology (e.g VCRs) reaches its peak just as it is about to start to become obsolete. A different colleague said he was watching his Grandchildren using their smartphones and wondering what changes they will see in their lifetime. My prediction is that in thirty years time the idea of a car that you have to drive yourself will seem retro and maybe exciting.
Welcome Josh, Nice to see someone of your age picking these things up. That warmth you hear and the life that you hear is what people who have never tried analogue miss. Digital music can feel so souless and clinical afterwards, not to mention the harsh clipped top end. What walkmans have you picked up to start with?
Here are some pictuers of the walkmans I have. Wm-AF23, wm-af604. My third is in the mail after watching ebay for a few weeks I found a sony walkman professional wm-d6c for $200. Cant wait to get my hands on it! This morning the WM-AF604 belt broke so I had to order a new one.
I am also looking for any Accessories for walkman professional wm-d6c. Case, strap, mic, ext. I will pay for them
Thanks for sharing the pictures. D6c is one of the best walkmans ever made. hopefully yours is in good working condition. Its not difficult to find the accessories for D6C, patience will pay off.