I was watching this item on Ebay and the auction ended. It was interesting to me to see how much people are willing to pay for a an empty box (with booklet) https://www.ebay.ca/itm/1981-SONY-W...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 Sold for US $403.88 Imagine the guy who bought this cannot match the serial number of the box with his possible walkman. So my question is how much is a complete boxed TPS-L2??
It is pretty cool looking into all the stuff in that box. If you had a cheap player to go with the box I have to believe there is still some money left on the table, but the big question is what happened to the original player?
There's probably a lot of people out there kicking themselves for getting rid of their Walkman boxes, who really keeps a box when buying something new?
It's crazy how much these TPS-L2 units and their accessories go for nowadays, only a few years back they were very affordable. Wish I'd been able to buy one back then! I've got the Jungle Strut / Grieg Piano Concerto CD-813 demo tape with the orange Walkman logo, anyone know which models it was supplied with? Henry