Hey guys can any of you, good with Walkman repairs give me a pointer on this problem. I grabbed my last working the DC2 to use on my daily commute to and from work this morning, plugged everything in and switched on and the left channel was dead. I thought it was my interconnect cable between the player and my amp, changed it still no sound from left channel. I plugged the headphones directly into the headphone socket still the same. Did not have much time to check anymore so I put it down and grabbed a DD9 for my commute. Since its only left channel, could it be just some caps or do you guys think it may be the main amp in the DC2 or could be something more serious? Anyone got any ideas of where to start looking?
I would check for a broken head wire first. This is not a capacitor problem, usually contact. Check volume pot, Dolby level trim contacts. One simple way to test is to short the left and right channel output at the pot together. If you get sound in both channels, the problem lies before the amp. Capacitors usually fail slowly over time, not suddenly. Also unlikely to be IC failure.
That's exactly what I think . but if it were the broken head cable, he would still be hear a rushing nois on the channel.
Oh, and I forgot: headphone jack! If there’s no hiss, it’s a broken contact towards the headphones usually. Check the jack itself and it’s solder joints.
Hi Guys thanks for your input. I have been so busy that i have not had a chance to check it out, just been slumming it with the DD9 for now. I know it's not the headphone socket as i only ever use the line-out socket, i did try it via the headphone socket and the same issue. Once i get some time i will check the unit properly and hopefully find the fault.
Finally got a chance to check out the DC2 today and bub you are correct it was the wire to the head. I have now re-soldered it and all works fine, so no more slumming it with the DD9. I will still need someone with better soldering skills to do a better job later on as my soldering is not up to par, but it will do for now. Thanks everybody that chimed in with advice.