Hi, I grew up listening to cassettes and making mixtapes on a very, very terrible mini boombox. The kind with detachable speakers and a radio attached. Only benefit was that it could record. So I guess it had that going for itself. Well, fast forward to a semi-functional, audiophile, semi-adult. With a friend who has a fascination with cassettes. She recently tuned me back into cassette culture and the fun in making mixtapes again. I always thought that new was better, and I kinda resented only having cassettes when my friends had CDs, but now... well... that's changed. I adore the signatures and fun of cassettes and constantly repairing thrift store finds to just see how different it sounds with my setup. Anyhoo, I'm always scouring various sites for higher quality equipment, working, or in disrepair; and checking my local shops for stuff that is nearly always a little bit broken. Because repairing is a lot of the fun for me, even if I'm far from an expert on it. Anyhoo-hoo, Nice to meet ya, and good to be here. Thanks, Lua
Hi Lua! Welcome to the forum. You’re not alone here, we’re all semi functional semi adult vintage audio loons so you’ll fit in well
Yes that sounds like a great many of us so you will be in good company here. What boxes do you have so far and do you have a fave?
If I guess right, a box is audio equipment? Oh geez, so many, but I'll throw em in a list. receiver - yamaha rx v795a turntable - beogram rx-2 cassette player - nakamichi bx-1 minidisc player - sony mz-r37 cd player - Playstation 3 and various other portables and audio boxes. as well as a bunch of semi-functional equipment that doesn't work (yet) or is a spare. As for a fave, I'd have to toss it up between the Nak deck, or my craigslist Wharfedales. but that's partly a cop because they work so well together. I'm not the most active person in forums, though I appreciate the warm welcoming Cheers, Lua!