we're all hunters collectors. some of us do only collect Walkman, others do only collect boomboxes. most of us have a passion for vintage audio-stuff, from reel-to-reel over vinyl, from home to pro- equipment. show us your personal biggest gem, i mean that piece of audio-gear that you would never ever sell ! is it a Nagra ? something from Studer ? an EMT- turntable ? maybe a very unique boombox ? a high-end tube-amplifier or a Thorens music-box from the 20'ies ? i make a start, this is my personal gem - a 1937 Neumann CM-V3 (Telefunken M 301) microphone:
For me, its my Spendor SA-1 Mini-monitors. I love these speakers, they sounded amazing sitting on a flimsy shelf in my old shed, one-day I'll have them on some proper stands. Best part is, they were gifted to me along with a NAD 3020 amp! They go hand in hand and sound beautiful, and I'll never part with either of them
wow, this is a great setup - those Spendors are better than same age Tannoys, and with a NAD 3020 you can't go wrong anyway
Linn Sondek LP12 with Naim Aro tonearm and Keel for Aro, Naim Armageddon power supply. Not going to "upgrade", ever! A few years back I started seriously looking into dps turntable... to prevent myself from something I might regret later I sold all my original Sondek packing boxes. as a collector, I will never sell my minty Loewe CD100:
nagra, long time ago i could buy a t-audio with almost everything on it, for almost nothing. didn't do it, because i used train to get there. didn't want to go back with that thing. most stupid mistake ever. my best equipment,no it's not the studer d730, emt 950 or 981. it's a thing i never use, but just love it telefunken m15. at that time i could also buy a telefunken m20, full option. didn't do it, to much electronics. when those chips die, i couldn't find replacement. telefunken m15 heaven
Is that your shop 19lexicon78? Looks pretty nice, mine always has a pile of wood on the floor even with the dust collection.
What a workshop ! No messing around on kitchen tables with crappy tools and a few cotton buds thinking you know it all there .
neumann had some great microphones. those classics are too expensive nowadays. i miss the fun 15 years ago, when you had good studio equipment for almost nothing. to my surprise, far more cheap than consumer stuff, couldn't believe it. had to smile when everybody was talking about thorens,gerrard,technics. i was looking for EMT.. too bad didn't go for an emt 927 or r80. thought and i do think, the 950 is better. cd-players same story, nobody looked for studer or emt. ohh, just missed the lhh2000 2x. almost had one for 200, some time later a 2-set 1250 euro.. !@!@#! R2R, technics consumer models were very expensive, the m15 or a80 were far more cheap.. nutss. unfortunate the a820 was always expensive. made till 2003 i think.
could have this one, but i didn't want to travel by train with car and all. 1200 euro i could have this one..my biggest mistake evarr. yep, had the newer version
I don't know much about the higher end units, is this Nagra common? I don't see anything like that over here, just tons of TEAC's, Sony's and a Pioneer once in a while.
for r2r its nagra/studer/telefunken forget the rest. nagra is movie stuff the nagra was used for movies=time code. 50k or more new. it's not the best. i think studer 820/827 are best. just below the telefunken m15/20 or these are even with the studer 820/27. so, in all r2r only studer/telefunken nagra for the fun.. telefunken m15 best bang for the buck evarrr. yep, i'm gonna charge you for this. that's 20 years of experience.. 10k $$$