Hi everyone. My nane is Derek. Have just joined. I'm hoping to make contact with people who still enjoy listening to tapes,mini-disks and cd's etc. I am listening to music currently on my very first wm (wm-4) that i bought back in 1982. Still works perfectly. My small collection consists of: wm-4, d-6c×2, dc-2, tc-d3. Discman- d-z555, d-350, d-ej01 and d-100( not working). Mini-disc players- mze900, mzr-91×2, mzr-55 and one mz-g750. Headphones- sony mdr-v700dj×2 and mdr-z7. I have also got a Sony ecr-500ec headphone that i bought back in 1978approx', brand new. I onle tried it once but did not have the right equipment to run them properly. Thank you all for reading my topic. I look forward to hearing from you all. Derek.
Hi welcome aboard, you've certainly come the right place and you already have quite a nice collection, some pictures would be great.
Hi Dave. Am just trying to work out how to take photos and send them. Please be patient. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Derek.
Hi Derek, yeah we're all a bit old school here, the sites very easy to use though once you get use to it, if you need help with any aspect of the site e.g. uploading photos etc just ask, there's also a how to section under the 'This Site' heading if you'd prefer to work things out for yourself, there's no rush.
Hi Dave. Thanks for that. Anything i try to use concerning internet always goes wrong. Jinxed i suppose. Just bear with me while i try to sort it out. Derek.
Hi Derek! Welcome to the site, lots of friendly and helpful members on here who are always willing to help out or point in the right direction! One thing I would suggest is to take a lot of your location information off as you have given your postcode, some unscrupulous people may use that against you, just keep it basic (ie just put Kent or UK) and don't give too much away about who and where you are!
Hi there. Thank you for that. Can you please tell me how i do that because i never disclosed where i lived etc.
hello Derek marshall and welcome aboard. You already got a nice collections. This site is very user friendly for posting photos and we love pictures of vintage stuff.
Hi there again. Have managed to read your message. Have not found out how to send photos yet. Please bear with me. I am old school- no nothing about computers etc. Derek.
Hi Dave. Have looked on 'this site'as you suggested but its all double dutch to me. I dont have any computer, i only have my mobile phone. Is it possible to take photos on my mobile and send them to you that way. Derek.
Hi there. Thank you very much. Just gettin used to this site. Not very good with internet etc. Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Dave. Can you help me? The sony wm dc-2 that i have has the brocken centre cog. Can you tell me how i can contact dotto walkman in Italy? Also the Sony D- 100 discman is not working. When i press play the disc spins for a few seconds and then stops. Any ideas? Look forward to hearing from you.