Minidisc recorder : which one to buy ?

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by enryfox, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. enryfox

    enryfox Active Member

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    I just want to play a bit with minidisc, a format which was way too expensive for me back at the time.
    I just bought a boxed Sony MZ-R70 from 2000 which seems a nice recorder but as a player it sounds like portable cd players of that period, flat and a bit dull.
    Any suggestion for a good sounding MD walkman/recorder ?

    as a side note, the box of the MZ-R70 still have the price tag: 539000 ITL equivalent to today's 400 EUR; it is a mid range model but it is still pretty expensive.

    thanks !
  2. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    I experienced some time recording my favorite musics on MDs. I tried Different component from CD/DVD combo to MD walkmans.
    I found the best result with AIWA CSD-NS5MD, The quality of music recorded by this one is same as CD
    I also tried to directly record CD to minidisc with other brands Sharp& Victor boomboxes but the sound quality was not as good as CD.
    surprisingly recording by a walkman minidisc (Panasonic, Sony, Victor ) gave me better results compared to CD/MD combo boomboxes. A cassette walkman sounds better than a boombox since each one designed for a different purpose, So I found out the same result with Minidiscs. It is little confusing since minidisc is a digital format and shouldn't drop the quality during recording but this is what I experienced.

    Among the minidisc walkman units i love this MZ-B10. It is easy to use, records minidisc with excellent quality and sounds great. This is not the top of the line unit but If i have to give up all my minidisc walkman units and keep one of them i will keep this one.It is still available on Amazon for : Price: $198.00 + $4.59 shipping

  3. enryfox

    enryfox Active Member

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    I'm planning on making recording directly through the optical digital connection with no re-sampliging or ADC; the only difference between recorders should then be the ATRAC encoder, but being Sony Intellectual property I expect it to be pretty standard, isn't it ?

    On the playback side, the internal DAC + Amplifier come into play, and to my experience late 90's /early 2000's is not a good period for portable sound quality. A simple portable CD player from late 80's like the Sony D-2 sounds much better.

    The MZ-B10 is conceived as a business recorder for meetings and other events (in place of microcassette recorder), I'm surprised it is also good with music :) Anyway it is not available here in europe as new and i have to look for it on ebay. For small portable walkman do you have any suggestion ?

  4. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    I think if you are trying to get the best minidisc recorder there are some models with better reviews like : MZ-M200 or MZ-RH1..... with linear PCM recording (which means no compression recording) so the quality of recorded track is better than a compressed file.

    ATRAC is a compressed recording and cannot be exactly same as CD quality. It is better than MP3 but not exactly same as CD quality.

    So search for a minidisc recorder with linear PCM recording minidisc: this models record the music exactly the way CD sounds. But these are very expensive compare to regular minidisc walkmans like MZ-B10. and you are right , MZ-B10 was made for reporters/ business recording but it has a lot of features and easy to use and much cheaper than high end minidisc walkmans with linear PCM recording function..
  5. enryfox

    enryfox Active Member

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    close to Milan (Italy)
    I know minidisc is compressed, ATRAC actually predates MP3 and it is a contemporary of Philips PASC. All three formats are now pretty obsolete and ATRAC was specifically designed to encode in realtime with minimal power consumption (for comparison a Pentium 120 could hardly encode MP3 in real time !). Actually there are several revisions of ATRAC encoder chip and Type S seems to be considered the most refined.
    Hi-MD later format allows for up to 1 Gb of uncompressed audio on a disc, but both players and discs are pretty expensive to these days (and Hi-MD discs were sold for a limited period and discontinued before regular MD)

    But honestly I think the Audio quality of my player is mostly due to the DAC and analogue sections: walkman's and portable CD players of late 90's do sound the same. It seems audio quality was no longer a priority; with the introduction of the (useless) AVLS audio quality has gone downhill.

    Maybe early models have a better output section, but the ATRAC encoder/decoder is less refined.

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