Greetings everyone at Stereo2Go! I'm Sly. and occasionally I've been a quiet lurker on here before and read some great topics, so I thought it was about time I create an account and go partake in the fun. But before I start talking about myself: Thank you for maintaining this place and for keeping it populated! Let's talk a bit about myself, shall I? As the thread title states (major spoiler by the way) I'm from Germany and I have a thing for walkmans. I just love to listen to music consciously, carefully arranging mixes of what I consider to be just the best music for myself to make the best use of what little time I got left on those devices. I much prefer inserting an audio container of some sorts into a device rather than just hitting play. While mp3 players and phones got their own advantages, I definitely favour the limitations that come with the things I use as the music doesn't just become some sort of background noise that's taken for granted due to the sheer quantity and the amount of options to pick from. This feedback on inserting the music and the possibility of feeling the device's mechanical parts working as it reads the media is a special thing of its own that I cherish a lot. It's not just stimulating to the ears, it's also a stimulation to my hands as well when I hold it. And unlike holding this thin piece of metal or plastic called smartphone (depending on quality), I can actually wrap my hands around these devices. To be honest, I don't even use a smartphone, I still got what most people would refer to as a brick. My collection: I do own a Sony MZ R500 (minidisc, blue, pretty run down by now), a WM 2011 (tape, classic black) that I purchased in August and two (unfortunately defect black) WM 2091 I originally wanted to frankenstein into a single working model. Recently I got a (silver-black-blue) WM EX190 as a gift as well and while it works it does have it's own special problem I've heard of before. I might post my collection either later today or one of the following days for you all to see. What do I aim for you wonder? A DAT recorder and DAT walkman at some point as long as they're still somewhat affordable (prices are starting to get ridiculous), ideally one with a window so I can see the tape spin as I consider this insanely relaxing. Unfortunately, I'm only aware of just one model that does have a window, which is fairly expensive for its very own reasons (I'll let you guess which), and for that one I'd need a recorder as it lacks that function. Considering that I'm not exactly wealthy, this goal seems to be far from realizable anytime soon though. Anything else? Eh... Let's see... Besides portable audio I also collect vinyl records and own a turntable. I doubt that's relevant though. I hope we'll get along well! Sly.
Welcome Sly As you might have noticed in other threads, members love to see photos of your equipment. If you are using Windows it is very easy to add them. I don't know about other Operating Systems.
Thanks for the warm welcome! As requested, here's a photo, taken on my turntable below my little christmas tree. It's already dark over here and it was hard to arrange a proper light setup as either the EX190 was reflecting or the WM2091 too dark as over there, so let's just go with something "festive" for now, I'll take a proper one during daylight later on. And hey, it's still holidays after all. Lower two (1x MZ R500 and 1x WM2011) are currently in use. Upper three (1x EX190 and 2x WM2091 + hull for WM2091) have some defects I might explain someday. And of course, a couple Fuji MDs and a Maxell tape. As you can see one of the twins is currently open, I've been testing the mechanism with a cheap cleaner tape, didn't quite work out though. All of it is very basic, not much quality equipment there, but just to get an idea.
Thank you! I think it was about time I hop aboard this ship. I've always been amazed by the things users do on these forums, the models others own and the repair works they do are heartwarming in a way.
Yup, keeping these things going or bringing them back from the brink of being thrown away is something a lot of us revel in, it is heart warming indeed. I have an old Sanyo boombox here, unremarkable unit except my son saw it in a junk shop and just had to "rescue" it. It was in an appalling state and barely functioning. We took it home and gave it the full treatment. It now works great and is a treasured unit. Nice eh?
That's pretty cool! I didn't have the luck of finding any of my walkmans among junk. I got the tape ones (EX190 being an exception) from ebay and the MZ R500 was a gift from my brother who didn't use it anymore, all with cardboard, MDs and such. I basically got it in this state and tried my best to at least make the Sony letters shine again. Though I'm still in search for a good spraypaint or something of that kind to reapply this metallic-blue colour where it got off. I wouldn't even mind doing some personalisation to it either. At the very most I was lucky enough in finding a Technics turntable at my second hand store of choice.