Hello everyone. As you well, probably don't know I've been looking for a Quatz Locked DD walkman for a while. Idk if anyone remembers my thread a bit back discussing which ones I should look for but I have been looking for a dd30/dd33 and if I am lucky a DC2. However this Gold DD30 is really buttering my toast. I was wondering if this is a good idea to buy. According to the description its basically been restored. Restored center gear, new upgraded caps, and damaged. (I don't have a demag tool and its kinda frightening anyways so I can't bring myself to buy one) I messaged the seller and it does come with the case. It looks to be one of the new re-production ones which is fine with me as an original would be destroyed by now. The DD30 does show some signs of wear but they are minimal. Except for the small crack in the window. Although I have access to a laser cutter so if it really bothers me I could just cut come acrylic, but the crack is pretty small so it most likely wont bother me. Also I do prefer the looks of the DD30 over the dd33 a lot more but if push comes to shove I'd be glad to go with the 33. I have seen a couple on ebay USA for around 250. Anyways its $300 USD but it is coming from Romania. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254015919371?ul_noapp=true Thanks,
That seller is a reliable seller. He knows how to fix central gear. Most of the time he provides 3 months warranty on his walkmans sold to people. BUT I voted No and i am going to explain it why i will not buy that: To spend 300 dollars on a DD30 walkman cosmetic condition should be excellent. I agree with you that the look of DD30 is much better than DD33 (personal opinion) but when it comes to quality DD33 is better. In my opinion do not buy that and look for some better alternatives. Maybe something like these (best offer accepted): https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Sony-Walkma...=item33fd89c640:g:hJUAAOSwysFcF4gs:rk:17:pf:0 https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Sony-Walkma...=item33fd89c51e:g:nu8AAOSwP8dcF4ll:rk:25:pf:0
If it’s worth it to you buy it, only you know. By the way the seller is a member here and he knows his stuff.
Yeah I think I'm going to go with the dd-33. I need an eccelent sounding unit and the best sounding one I have is my wm10 but it has issues. So I should buy a great sounding one before I buy a nice looking one. Although those listings Boodokhan linked have ended, but idk if I would have bought them anyways as they are pristine and I would like be be able to use my walkman a lot and not worry about degrading the cosmetics of it constantly. Therefore this one is looking extremely tempting. I am going to message him and see if the discolorstion on the front of it is actual stains and not just gunk that can be cleaned off. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/223300582043
Have you seen this other Sony for sale with the same seller ? It has no marks and is a Sony DD not aSony DD33 Sony Walkman WM-DD - BLACK, TOP CONDITION, 100% RESTORED