Hello, I am looking for help on the repair of two walkmen I recently found at my parents. They are Aiwa HS-P105 and Sony WM-B12. From what I could find the Aiwa should be an OK model though not high end. So I set about fixing them since none of them seemed to work (didn't turn). After opening them up I could see that for both of them the belt had basically turned into an oil. OK, so seemed like an easy fix and I found the belts on ebay. Big was my disappointment though when I was unable to make either really work. So here is the current status I would like help with if it is at all worth the trouble: Aiwa HS-P105: The tape spins seemingly as it should. But the output is only a 4 KHz constant tone. The tone is also there when rewinding the tape. What on earth could that be? Sony WM-B12: It starts turning the tape but then it seems it is unable to pull the tape as there is apparently too much resistance. If I try with my hand to turn the belt wheels one of the tiny gears seem to "jump". It seems like it is not fixed enough in position so it can be bend at and angle and then jumps. I assume this is a pretty lost cause? Any advise on what can be done? Best regards and thanks in advance for any help, Jan PS: Should this be posted in the tech forum too?
welcome to Stereo2go Can you place a video of Sony WM-B12 ? it will be easier to help if you show the problem. Is the belt path correct? You can open the back plate and show a video that way somebody can help to identify the problem
If the belt has turned to goo then that goo is almost certainly inside the rotating mechanism to some degree. Isopropyl and cotton buds will clean it but the back will need to come off to access
Thanks for the replies. Here is the side with the belt: Here from the other side. You can see that when I apply some resistance the thing that moves, the tape stops while the gear below keeps turning. I didn't see gears jump this time. I have done my best to remove all goo from the wheels.
the belt path seems to be correct as far as i can see from these videos you posted nothing is wrong. I checked your video several times, I cannot find where the problem is. I don't know how you post these type of files that play without clicking on play button. These type of files don't offer any sound and its hard to see where you are pointing to the problem. By the way, Have you tried a different cassette? sometimes some cassettes don't turn easily and you have to tap the cassette against the palm of your hand.