Hello, I have a question and hope that anyone can help me. Unfortunately the walkman does not play tapes anymore. But it is still alive because there are sounds and the wheels are turning. I'll probably have to change the belt. I do not know how to place it exactly. Somebody has a manual for this Walkman or could possibly send me a picture of the inside of a working ES-P7. The belt on the picture is to old and I think not in the right place.
probably you are right... I have to take a video of it. Maybe it's not the belt or I have the wrong one
I do not have this model, otherwise i would open to show you the belt path. Its hard to find this model in good cosmetic and working condition
I don't own this model, but judging by the direction the motor was spinning in the video i would guess the belt goes around like this:
I had one of these, sold it. Similar problem, belt just wouldn't stay happy. Generic or correct belt? Go for a thinner belt if you can. Try a tad shorter. Could be tension or just very fussy about tolerance. It's a small machine, perhaps the smallest. GB
Hello Greg, yes you may be right there. I got a thinner and shorter belt from Marian 2 weeks ago. With that, the Sanyo also played something for a minute. After that it stopped again. I also need a new battery or a suitable power supply. It's also hard to find. I also noticed that one of the wheels might get stuck. It transports the belt, but sometimes it hangs. I hope I have time to take care of the walkman again soon.
I've been looking at this and trying some new beers for the beer and boombox thread for the last hour. I think the yellow pulley your pointing to is just an idler wheel, it just give the belt a little tension. This should spin freely but check the other side to see if anything is attached to it. The hub wheels should be going in the same direction, which looks like clockwise, but the way it's connected on the right side seems like it should go over the brass pulley on the top right, similar to the other thread from greg. I can't tell if there's a motor on the right, maybe a tension motor, the one the belt is currently on that would give some reverse force so the tape speed is correct. Put some dots on the pulleys so it's easier to see how everything is turning and let us know if that top brass piece is a pulley.