Wasn't sure where to post this so, here it is. When I was a kid my dad bought me this same radio so, when I saw it a thrift store, it had to come home with me and as you can see, it came with the original box. The radio has no speaker and it's only am, the headphones were so you could listen mono in both ears it also has a belt clip.
It is always nice to find something you had as a kid. There is a complete thread on Personal radios here: http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/walkman-and-other-personal-headphone-radios.3173/#post-27274 I am building up quite a collection as they are something I use every week, although on FM. Is there still much broadcast on AM in Canada ? We have quite a few stations but there isn't really any dupication between AM and FM. Stations that there isn't room for on FM get put on DAB (digital) and in some cases AM.
Wow, you don't see a lot of AM only and it's in great condition. I hate to say it but it kind of looks like a flask, wonder if people used to get stink eye when they walked around with it.
Yeah, it is in great shape but, you can tell the plastic is brittle and could break with a slight drop. It takes 3 AA'S batteries, I had forgotten that. AM radio here in Canada still alive and well, I still listen to it from time to time for traffic updates.
I love AM and thankfully we still have a full band. For some reason, I don't know why they don't take more advantage of it, all of these wonderful podcasts, tv shows, etc, they'd be perfect on AM.