Vintage vela disco light boombox dk-990r All buttons, antena, handles, lights, all intact. Cassette doors missing. Fair condition
Interesting introduction? I assume you’re just on here to try and sell this? If so then without pics, price, and location then you’re not going to get very far. If you’re not just trying to flog it then welcome, tell us more about yourself and what you collect
+1 to what @Northerner just said: the best introduction ever! Not sure I got all the connotations correctly but this sounds like a fun person to have amongst us!!! "Lights... all intact..." wish I could have said the same about me!
Vela left my life quickly, her flashy lights and buttons up high couldn't take my AC/DC urges. Jorge moved in with some Tito Puente and some Asti Spumante and the rest was history......
With a name like Foxxy1983 im guessing some youngster has picked up a Discolite and is hoping to cash in, if so then pop on to Ebay. If not then lets have a proper intro so we can welcome you properly.