I recently bought a DD11 on ebay, and the seller said it was "fully functional" but they clearly only checked if it spun the tape and didn't listen to it (or they straight up lied about the condition). Have a listen. The music is barely audible, and there is lots of static and stange noises. In this clip I'm adjusting the volume up and down, and switching from Cr02 to normal, and turning Dolby NR on and off. The pulsing happens when the volume is turned up high. The high pitched squeal towards the end happens when I switch dolby on. Any idea what this could be? I opened it up and the capacitors looked okay, but do you think this is the issue? I tried cleaning the headphone jack and volume pot, but it didn't make any difference. https://instaud.io/3y8f Thanks in advance!
I'd say that sound is almost certainly bad cap/caps. I recapped an Aiwa recently and this is pretty much how it sounded until after recap.
Yeah, I was 90% sure this was the issue. I guess I was just hoping it was something easier to fix, lol. Thanks for confirming though. I'm going to give it a go replacing the caps. I know it's only a DD11, but it's in pristine condition and a dark blue model. I think it's worth the effort.
I've dealt with a few of these JD - seem to recall there are 11 SMD capacitors to change on the circuit board - followed by the usual mechanical adjustments The service manual is pretty good (attached) - I agree: v nice in dark blue! wmDD11.pdf