Dude I am deleting every post he has made but i do not have power to block him, I have messaged Hugo to jump on and Ban
To be honest I have said this before, the rules need to be changed so you cannot just sign up and start posting. You need to have several posts vetted before you start posting like other side do, we have had this happen before. If this kind of things carries on, I can see people not bothering to use this site anymore. Please make modifications before people start to leave.
Yes it has taken a while to remove all of his posts... Yes this is a problem, I am around most often but unfortunately i do not have the ability to block people only remove their posts which i have done. I have asked Hugo to jump on as soon as he can and block this person. Unfortunately with no one around with admin rights its like the wild west here..... I will ask @walkman archive to look at adding better moderator options as this is not good for the site.
Ok it seems i have been upgraded, spammer has now been ban, please notify me if he rejoins and begins posting again and i will instaban.
Thanks T-Ster. I emailed Hugo yesterday to let him know what was happening. Unlike the previous spammer who was arguing with people / "rascals" this guy just seemed to be posting indiscriminately. I don't know what he thought he would achieve as it was obvious the posts would get deleted in the near future. Maybe some kind of limit to the number of new posts you could make in a day would work. I doubt if any of the regulars here make more than say ten a day.
Yeah its a problem having idiots like that around, funny thing is he took all that time to make hundreds of posts that were all deleted.... well it wont happen again, i will be keeping a close eye out now and banning any spammers instantly.
Being able to ban and delete is not going to work, new joiners need to go through a period of every post they make having to be approved by a moderator before being allowed to go live, having to have say 5 to 10 post being approved will stop all the nonsense. Until you do this kind of moderation you are going to get problems, but hey it’s your choice how you do it in the mean time when this happens a gain you will lose more members.
Hi guys. I have just seen all the posts of that spammer. Tre, sad to hear that you had to spend time deleting everyone; there's a way to ban and simultaneously delete all his posts that is very helpful. I'll explain you in a PM. Seems that we have to keep an eye on them or to configure the system to manually approve the firsts posts (well, I don't know if that is possible but I'll search for it). Thanks for noticing.
We could have stopped it all if we had the old Girls and Boomboxes Thread still going. Thanks for the work, doing that kind of stuff drives me nuts.