Apologies in advance if this type of post is overdone, but I can't seem to find any answers So basically, I recently picked up a Walkman WM-2 at my local Value Village for about $7 CAD, and it is in otherwise great physical condition, except for maybe the couple smudges on the front cover The problems, however, are mechanical. I found very quickly that the belt was loose, so I took my eyeglass screwdriver and then found that some screws were missing. After taking it apart as carefully as possible, I found that the belt was indeed in need of replacement. It was a few moments after that, I realized that the spring for the eject slider(right word?) was missing, so that's another thing I have to replace My question to you is, is there a place where I can not only order a new belt, but also a new spring and set of screws? I already know about that seller on eBay who sells belts for all kinds of players, but I'd like to know if there is somewhere I can get those other parts as well. thank you!
the small screws are generally available but not in the same style, at least in my experience. They are not always in the right colour and newer ones have a rounded head. The springs are easily lost as well so not many. I would buy a non working unit and steal the right items for your working one +belts are readily available. Fixyouraudio has them but they are in europe
There's a few places to get bulk springs, you may have to cut the ends off and get them to size. Sometimes you have to stretch them because they start out compressed. http://www.smcelectronics.com/vcrmech.htm
a WM-2 is allways worth to be fixed when in physical good condition. before you start to buy expensive parts just look out for a junker, it'll give you screws and springs - just get a new belt ;-)
the answer is NO . There is no a single seller at this time to offer you a belt , a set of screws and the a new door latch spring. BELT: several options for you: (belt is 5.4") -turntable needles and choose express shipping :https://www.turntableneedles.com/Square-Belt-Orbicular-54-Inch_p_382.html - buy it from China (ebay, Alibbaba,... ) for few cents, choose free shipping and expect 3 weeks shipping time. usually they sell a package of belts for 1 or 2 dollars (about 30-50 mixed size belts) - buy from a reputable seller : https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Belt-for-So...724809?hash=item1eab3a0389:g:5ckAAMXQRPRTHJKF you will get one belt but the exact size and specification. the screws and spring for slider can be found on other electronic parts. Try get parts from @autoreverser before he changes his mind
Nice Cassette2go, are you going to be a troll and hang out with us down below? And I mean that in an affectionate way, back in the old days I used to hang out in the walkman section more, with the other trolls. I used to find walkmans all the time out in the wild, but then things changed, I started finding more boxes and I started popping my head up above in the boombox section.
I had to look up this word again - as I do not keep up with the etiquette of ? What does it mean when you call someone a troll? In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers … EXPLAINED simply I may post some stuff down here a bit more often as I have stored a lots of pages in my cpu I may share them again, as now it seems that my larger boombox's are finally becoming to be sold as there are not many more people selling for reasonable prices like I am I think and as I keep saying that once the larger things are mostly gone then I will concentrate my time with the smaller walkmans. P.S. I did not WIN that above Walkman & Nor do I have this model wm-2.
Troll got appropiated by the internet 10 or so years ago, back in the old days we had two types of trolls, the guys that hung out down below in the Walkman Section and rarely showed up in the boombox section (and there was a boatload of them) and over in Michigan all the people that lived below the upper peninsula, in the lower peninsula, are called trolls. No disrespect intended although now most people use the word in a derogatory way.