I'm currently a few steps closer to gaining the finds to get my future wm-3 however the only thing that bugs me is that most listings I find have the battery latch broken off, and usually gone for good. I want to be able to latch the battery compartment closed without the case on. I would prefer a plaster or similar casting due to it's smother look over 3d printing (ik it doesn't matter that much due to tiny size of the latch but it's a personal nit pick of mine) any help would be appreciated, and if anyone here makes them I'd gladly buy one when I have the cash on hand. The image I attached should give you an idea of what I'm talking about
As far as i know nobody placed any topic about this part before . Maybe you can start this project . All my TPS-L2s and even replicas!! like Wm-3 or 3ex have this latch. easiest way to make something similar is to find a solid piece of plastic and with needle file set shape it to look like the original one but to do that you need a sample of original one I never had this issue before so right know i do not have any idea how exactly it looks. If it is easy to disassemble this part, i will take it apart to show you some pictures ( but i will do it if am able to put it back again)
Thanks dude. I usually watch for lower priced auctions, and the problem is pretty common on restoration needed l2s and wm-3s
Hi Cameron, Did you have any luck? I have just received one with a broken clip and would love a replacement as well. I would have thought this sort of issue would be common. Hence the market is there. I'll keep an eye out in case I see anything.
Did you ever disassemble this part? I got one donation tps-l2, but don't dare to disassemble the latch due to the risk of breaking it. Does anyone else have experience of disassemble/assemble without breaking it?