Welcome aboard! Very nice walkman and photos. I don't remember I ever seen that case for a cassette in the belt. Looks cool.
Welcome. i'm trying to work out if the Sanyo is older than you. Here are a couple of similar Sanyos that were in the 1982 Kays catalogue. They didn't give model numbers though. My first portable stereo was also a red Sanyo, bought new in a UK department store back in about 1984.
Yanlo, are Walkmans getting popular again over there? I know vinyl is still popular but the Walkman Birthday seemed uneventful.
There is a cassette records shop here called Waltz is very popular,selling very nice cassette players and tapes :https://www.instagram.com/waltz_tokyo_japan/
My buddy lives a few blocks from there, we checked it out last January. If you know if any shops to visit let me know, I hope to be back this winter.
A couple more catalogue pages from the UKs largest electronics retailer 1982/83 catalogue. The first shows their high regard of Japanese Equipment, while the second their range of personal stereos Yesterday the same company (using the Currys name since they moved off the High Street) announced that they would start selling JVC TVs with built in Amazon "Fire". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-49584644 Do JVC / Victor still exist in Japan? I think that the "JVC" TVs Currys currently sell are just rebadged Vestels made in Turkey.