Great information Longman, I'll have to head over to IKEA, they're $7.00 USD for the 2450's, they just have to be stamped "Made In Japan"
The talk of adaptor sleeves and 2450s just reminded me of a article (YouTube video?) where someone modded a Mag-Lite by using a piece of PVC tubing to hold a few 18650s, versus several D-cells. The cells aren't welded to one-another in any way, and I figure if one has a multi-chemistry charger that can do several cells at once, this could be an excellent substitute for even using NiMH cells.
Way ahead of you nickelindimer, Eneloop has sleeves for D Cell and C Cell Batteries, it's so much easier to carry a handful of the little batteries and swap them out of the boomer then we did in the old days where you had to have an extra set of full-size batteries. You still have to get AAA batteries for the really small stuff.
I just went to IKEA, I bought LADDA AA 2450mAh and AAA 900mAh, they both are labeled "Made In Japan" both were $6.99 USD for 4. I also got a ton of 1000mAh AAs "Made In China" They were blowing them out a .99 for 4. They also were blowing out a big charger and a little charger but they were already gone. IKEA doesn't sell the adapters but they have them Amazon, they work great for your boomboxes.
I will have to have a better look next time I am in Ikea. You can get D cell adaptors that take two or even three AAs. That is what the Eneloop D cells which are only sold in Japan are internally. People who have measured them say Eneloops are so well balanced there shouldn't be any issue with putting them in parallel. I have loads of the Lidl Tronic 4500mAH D cells which apparently are two AAs inside. At £2.99 for two when they actually have them in they are good value.
I have seen the like before, I believe... in a professional medical office supplies catalog. Just for clarity: We are speaking of NiMH batteries at Ikea, right? If so, I recommend finding the compact, folding charger from Duracell... typically sold for use with their variant. I've used mine countless times with Rayovac's and Energizer's AAs, and gotten better results than with the "better" auto-sensing multi-chemistry charger I bought shortly beforehand.
Two cell adaptors are common on Ebay This is the three cell version for maximum capacity. The contacts on the two cell version look to be more robust though.
Yes nickelindimer, I'm talking about the rechargable NiMH batteries. Thanks Longman, I just ordered a bunch of 3AA to D-Cell adaptors, I haven't had a boomer go down yet on battery power but most of them need belts and I'm just using the radio.