Screws for SONY Walkman TSP-L2

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by luke randall, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. luke randall

    luke randall New Member

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    Rhode Island
    Hi Everyone!
    I am so excited that I finally fixed my Sony Walkman TSP-L2. It only took five years. I had a machinist make a new tiny idler wheel out of brass, that took two years, and then sent that tiny wheel to Terry's rubber rollers where he put new rubber on the brass wheel. This was after I sent the original plastic wheel to him years ago and he sent it back saying he could not put it in his lathe, because it was made of plastic, to cut the rubber..... that led to the affiliation with the machinist, who did the miniature fabrication work. Anyway, the Walkman works perfectly now, driving strong, sounding clean and quiet. Now I need some black case screws. Does anyone know the size of these screws? And where I might get some? I need 3 0r 4.
    I have one extra tiny brass wheel if anyone needs a new drive wheel.
    Mister X likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Hello luke randall, I'm facinated by your journey, can you take some photos and post them? I'm surprised Terry's didn't offer you a metal axel that he'd machine with the pinch roller. I was out in my shop tonight getting my equipment ready to "plug in." Hopefully I'll be making my own parts soon if I have more free time.
  3. luke randall

    luke randall New Member

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    Rhode Island
    Hi Mister X- I will take some pictures today. I did locate a photo of the TSP-L2 manual that had listed screw sizes but I have not located a source yet. I see on eBay a set of screws for $15 but I am hoping to get a better price for a couple tiny screws. Although I am not too cheap to pay $25 for the plastic shoulder strap for the Sony TSP carrying case, that seemed extravagant but I did not hesitate to press the" buy it now" button. Terry did not mention that he had the capacity to make metal axels.

    This Walkman sounds amazing. They really made those early Walkmans well in Japan. Master craftsmanship.... Every screw I screw in threads perfectly, every part is so well made. I listened for three hours last night. I am still using my Sony D-5 which I bought, used, in 1982. This company was amazing.

    What is your equipment that you are going to "plug in"?
  4. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    There are 3 different type of screws for TPS-L2 (total of 5 screws).

    3 of them are 1.4mm x 3mm for attaching the plastic pasr (at the bottom) to the body.
    2 of them 1.4mmx 3.5 to connect the back case to top chrome part
    1 screw to the side where battery door support is located. This one is 1.4mm x 3mm with flat head

    Also there are 2 silver screws to connect the top chrome part in the front.

    so 1.4mm screws can do the job for this walkman and almost all sony walkman units.
    something like this:

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