So I got a Panasonic DS30 a while back and have been restoring it. The tape and CD are working. However it is a little glitchy. The Tape will sometimes randomly stop and I'll need to hit play again to get it going again. I did check all connections again and made sure they are clean and well seated, I cleaned the tape head a few times and the pinch rollers. So basically I am out of ideas what the cause might be. I hope it isn't the belt because that seems a little complicated to get out. Also another issue I have is finding a replacement volume nob, but maybe I am just to dumb to search for that one. I hope that this is the right place to ask for help. Greetings Laron
Can you share a picture of the cassette tape transport where the belt goes around? are you certain that you have the correct belt in this as you may need the next size smaller to allow this to work properly as this sounds like your belt is slipping. Does this take only One belt as I viewed this as a auto-reverse deck so it should have at least between two to five belts total but I have not been inside this model and you have, so. I thrive on pictures.
I'm sorry to hear that,Because I know that gears will be damaged naturally, You may need to abandon this machine