Hey y’all, So I’d love to have a WM-D6/D6C but I’m wondering if I’m driving myself crazy trying to find one in working order at a decent price for no reason. I don’t really need the record function. I really just want a nice, reliable portable player that sounds as good as possible and has the highest build quality possible. Anyone have any recommendations for players to look out for? Any brand will do. Thanks!
Buy a player from the dd series, great sound (little less better than the D6C) and much smaller dimensions. If you want it comparable to the D6C you need to get a DC2 or DD9 but I don't think it worth the extra costs. Buy a restored one where the center gear is repaired because almost every unit that has had no restoration suffers from a cracked center gear.
I ended up getting a pretty good deal on a D3. Should be here Monday and then off to Transylvania for a little restoration!
I see the deal was not that great after all, I would ask my money back and return the item (seller has to pay return shipping costs!). If your interested in a D3 thats in great condition pm me.
I don't know how much research you did into these, but from what I've heard, they're kind of not the best for just using to walking around. They require four A+++ batteries and only have 6-hour battery life. They're excellent quality but I wouldn't get one unless you're also going to make use of the recording function. I've also heard that they make a very prominent whirring sound when being played.
my d6c was silent and the most stable walkman i have had, Had them all but sold it, was just to big to be classed as a walkman imho
I am with you Radio Raheem, the problem with internet forums are people repeat things they have heard or red but not actually what they've experienced themselves. Internet forums are the worst place to go for advice.
Sorry, I don't have a whole lot of hands-on experience with walkmans, as I'm new to the community. So I figured I'd just say what I'd heard. I had heard that they produced a prominent whirring sound from someone I know who used to own one way back when. I guess it might have been an issue with the device that needed to be fixed. As for the battery life, that seems to be what the manual says if I'm not mistaken. Glad to hear that yours worked out well for you, Radio Raheem.
moose you don't have to pay $500+ for a Walkman, plenty other good units around. You just need to look around and look for units that everyone is not fighting over. Too many people are after units like D6C, DC2, DD9, DD100 etc hence they cost more.
Ha ha Radio Raheem, i don't use the DD9 that often as it does not sound as good as the D6C or DC2 but don't thing I would sell it either.
mine went all wonky tooccool due that hardening idler lad....i would use it if i were you Sir.....as you know i had nothing for mine thanks to some scammer on ebay i actually think they came on here some months ago but i couldn't be bothered as the walkman was unusable due it being unstable
Yes I remembered you had one. From time to time I put a battery in it to turn it over, it's with dotor walkman at the moment I loaned it to a friend that messed it up and lost the belt clip screw. Remember a while back I was looking for the screw and in the end swapped a brand new unopened TDK MA-XG for the screw.
It's sad i had many high end walkmans dude now i don't have one that works, Aiwas are dreadful things im afraid lad
Aiwa’s are not that bad, in fact they made some units which are equally as good if not better than Sony.