I was looking through some old magazines and spied this one, first they had a nugget in an article about recording car tape decks and then the next month they printed a review. This is all I could find on the internet, there's no photos of the player but JVC put out quality equipment during this time, the unit retail price was $500.00 USD so I have to believe this was a nice player. I always thought the Sony Music Shuttle was the only car stereo with a removable Walkman but it looks like JVC put out their own version but like the Music Shuttle, they are very rare. I think the Sony Version was around $300.00 USD when it was released and they did a ton of marketing for it with ads in several US Magazines. Enjoy the review and post any information you have on this interesting unit. From HIFI Stereo Review found on the great World Radio History Site https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Audio/HiFI-Stereo-Review.htm
gosh, car-decks with recording... i remember that stuff... i allways thought, those who buy one of those most comb with a hammer in the morning (omewhere i must have one of those decks in a box, not a JVC but car-deck with recording) - what do you want to record with it ? did their makers think, you‘re creating a mixtape off the morning-show while you‘re stuck in the daily traffic-jam on your way to work ? anyway, that JVC is nice
Judging by the layout of the buttons, the walkman part seems to be similar to the on the can also detach from the PC-100/PC-RM100 system. Different position of the volume wheel, though.
Back when I was a young kid, I had a delivery job driving 6+ hours a day. Radio was much more exciting, they'd hype up the newest song release, sometimes a month or two before the album was released or the touring band that was in town that night would hit a few radio stations for interviews and accoustic songs. There was so much more great content all day long, it would have been neat to record some of that, most wasn't advertised beforehand so you got lucky when it came on.