New member, great forum

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by Mark P, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Mark P

    Mark P New Member

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    Hello, just a quick intro so I'll be brief. I've been a tape recorder devotee since my father bought our Philips 'EL301' in 1967. I worked in video/audio post production for 25 years collecting Nagras, Uhers and Tascam gear along the way. I'm a Classically trained pianist with a decent hybrid digital/analog home studio which is used daily. I look forward to sharing my knowledge when applicable and hope to learn more about my Uher machines 4000L, 4400 Report Monitor, CR160 and CR130. I didn't even know this site existed until yesterday or I would already be a member. I posted a couple of pix for your amusement. 20201023_205820.jpg 20201023_205846.jpg
    Mister X and Silver965 like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome Mark P! Beautiful equipment, the only UHER I have is my little CR 160 AV, I grabbed it after our member and resident UHER Expert autoreverser used to post interesting tidbits about them. The build quality and overall look is outstanding. I'm really diggin the chromed UHER 4000, that looks like a beast. One of us will have to start a field recorder thread, there weren't a ton of them but some of the ones they made are amazing and I'd lump the Sony WM-D6 in there as well. It sounds like you have a good deal of experience, what were your favorite models, do the Nagras live up to the hype? While incredibly beautiful, they're out of the price range of most collectors.
    Mark P likes this.
  3. Mark P

    Mark P New Member

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    Hi: Forgive the delayed reply, I'm still having a little difficulty navigating the site..I've never seen the forum's software prior to joining so: bear with me.

    My experience? Yes, I worked in post for a long time and as the old saying goes: a 40 hour week in film/TV is like a 60 hr. week in other industries. (Hell, a 40 hr week in post is a rarity in itself.)
    I currently have 4 Uhers and a parts machine which I've yet to pull any parts. Still runs, sluggish RR/FF and poor PB levels, but it still runs. It's a 4000 series but a super early example. (It has the off white flip door and small window.) I'll post a pic if you wish to see it: I think jt's a '62' but don't quote me.

    When it comes to Uhers, when running correctly they're fantastic. The C/R 160 for example, and as mentioned, has that unique 3 speaker arrangement which sounds terrific. I'd never seen a PB set-up like that
    before. Uher always had different cool and useful features which attracted me from day 1. I also have (and frequently use) my Teac / Tascam 3440 and TSR 8 and M 2516 console: small but useful for me. (I play Hammond, piano and synth. So at age 56 I basically make music all day: retirement bliss.(hope that doesn't sound like I'm boasting, I'm not.)

    Feel free to tell me about your background or interests. I *dd* want to ask: are there any particularly busy or vintage forums you can recommend? Any pointers would be really helpful.

    If you have any questions about Nagras or broadcast gear, lay 'em on me and I'll do my best answering them. (I'm not a technician.)

    Thanks for reading, Mark
    Mister X likes this.
  4. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Stereo2go Mark P
  5. Mark P

    Mark P New Member

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    Thanks! I appreciate it!

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