Hi, I recently bought a broken WM DD30, I determined that the centre gear was broken, and repaired this part with a spare. However, after fixing this it is clear that was not the only problem, the Walkmans wow and flutter is out of control, to the point that tapes are unlistenable, I have no idea what the cause of this may be. On top of that the slider seems to catch on the centre gear 90% of the time when I try and start the player. The only idea I have for fixing this is to file the "nubs" (see attached) it is catching on off, but I am hesitant to do this as it could be important. I am truly lost on how to proceed and would be heartbroken to be unable to fix it, any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Douglas.
You may have missed out a washer when reassembling. Tolerances are really tight. Check the diagrams in the service manual and make sure all the tiny washers are present.
If W&F is out of control, it might also be the DD control loop not operating correctly. Referring to the service manual, if you have an oscilloscope, I would check the following: IC602, pin 1 - quartz oscillator at ~ 27.8 kHz IC602, pin 5 - out of PLL at ~ 860 Hz IC601, pin 1 - output of motor FG, this should lock to the above signal Anyway I hope it is a mechanical problem, because if it is electronic you need a new board !