The good news is that it works and like Reli said, sounds really nice. The tape deck is down right now but they all seem to be these days. Another gift was AC/DC Who Made Who Cassette still loaded up! As you can see the lights are all on, it's pretty crusty but I think with a good cleaning, a little metalwork, I can have it looking decent. The radio is really nice, it has those dual red pointers that turn green when the radio is tuned in and it really pulls in the stations, maybe one of the best I have. This is a very heavy model but looks-wise, one of the best looking of all time, even crusty. A friend of mine found it and left it outside all night, I haven't heard where it came from but my buddies know I love audio equipment and have found some gems for me locally.
This Pioneer ticks all my fav things: one-piecer, single-cassette, no fake piezo-tweeters... BUT I agree with @Boodokhan and @Daniela - Santa did visit you but there's so much work to be done that maybe it was an Evil Santa!?! Thanks Goodness it was you, Not me who got such a present My Santa plays safe this year: one LP and a few audiohile CDs...
Thanks! I also love the old, tired, crusty equipment. It stills works, except for the cassette deck, and it sounds great. This is one of the units you put back in brain and say you'd but lucky to even see one. Jorge, I want to hook you up for Christmas. any albums Santa can send you? Most of mine are mainstream (multiple copies) but you have to rock out sometimes.
Wow what an amazing thing to find! I love these. They’re a pig to work on to fix the deck but I managed mine. Totally worth it
there not foam Reli there like rubber love this model Mr x must of had a dozen over the years...the best thing is the highs...i still have the box somewhere but the ghetto is long gone, anyway congrats dude well worth a restore lad
happy thanks giving Reli bro you can always pull me up any time you need.....when am i ever correct lad lol merry xmas to you all
Boy that Crown needs a little work, luckily surrounds are kind of easy. Do you apply voltage when your doing them so the coils don't rub when done? I haven't done any surround in at least 15 years but I have a huge Marantz Speaker I want to do soon.
i have always done the surrounds be feeling like a blind man buddy making sure there is no coil rub......look on youtube bro plenty of vids not apply voltage lol
I seem to remember taking an AAA battery and applying voltage to the speaker, it centers the coil during the drying period.
im not sure, but i can't see any harm in easy way is to leave 4 pieces of foam still connected to the speaker and put the new foam over the top.....when it's dry the old foam will just drop away with use. it's cheating but who cares it works lol
Neat piece of kit, what make is it? My cassette decks mostly work, just have niggly little problems like not shutting off at the end of a tape or occasionally chewing them up, I got rid of all my Philips cassette decks because they are notorious for chewing tapes up, with their plastic gears it doesn't take long for problems to develop, particularly where the left-hand (full) spool feeds tape into the machine and the right-hand (take-up) spool doesn't move so does not take up the loose tape = disaster!, I've got three Philips CD/Radio/USB machines and a Philips DAB radio so that's that brand covered. Three Sharp radio/'back-to-back' double cassette decks of which two have the auto-stop problems and a Sharp Microwave R652M which I bought in May 2000 because my cooker had a problem, three Hitachi 3D superwoofers with double cassette and radio and a Hitachi CD/Radio alarm clock which all work fine, then a Panasonic RX-DT07 which all works fine and is probably the best cassette player of my collection, a Panasonic RX FW39 and a National Panasonic TV/Radio/Cassette TR-5001G which needs a DVB tuner if it's possible to get, and I've just recently bought a Panasonic DMR EZ48V DVD/VHS Combi Recorder, the video side has a problem but I'll sort that out, I think it might need a new head, I'll play DVDs/CDs in the meantime. Then there's the Sony Walkman WM F313 radio cassette and Sony CD Walkman/Discman D-FJ61 with radio. So I've got eighteen portable cassette decks, six portable CD players and 14 portable radios.
You can kind of see PIONEER on the cassette door but it's the SK-900, often talked about but a pretty rare model. I think most boombox guys in 81 would have rather have something large and square, this would have fit in better with a nicer home where it sat on a shelf while the owner sipped tea reading a book.