Aiwa hs-p505mkii play and stop button issue

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by gary melville, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. gary melville

    gary melville New Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Noticed a lot of issues of stop and play buttons not working on various models including my own.
    I tried the solenoid track fix mentioned on a 310 model which looked a possibility but no broken track.
    If I shorted out pins on play and stop buttons it would work fine so assumed it was the switches to blame but a multimeter test ruled this out. Noticed a vertical switch between these buttons so shorted out the pins on this and low and behold the play and stop buttons started to work!
    Issue was found to be with the cassette door .... the left hand cassette guide also operates the said centre vertical switch via a spring loaded leaver. I noticed that the cassette holder was ever so slightly bent up so wasn't pressing the micro switch quite enough. I bent it square and everything now works perfectly.... apart from sound. Now onto ordering the caps, any advice on where to get these will be greatly appreciated.

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  2. gary melville

    gary melville New Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Snapshot of a 310 wiring diagram showing play stop buttons in relation to arrowed remote selection button and cassette door button.

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  3. gary melville

    gary melville New Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Let the fun begin .... 20210204_191035.jpg
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  4. gary melville

    gary melville New Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    20210206_193038.jpg Well that's the practice spare board re capped.... Worth it before attempting the good one.
    C83 likes this.
  5. gary melville

    gary melville New Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
    All done and sounding fantastic

    Just an update on capacitors used all bought from RS components in the UK, don't know if they have stores across the world ??

    220uf 4v were replaced with rs stock no 7083302 (220uf 6.3v)

    220uf 2v were replaced with rs stock no 7472449 (220uf 6.3v smaller can tgan above)

    100uf 2v were replaced with tantalum capacitors due to size unavailable rs stick no 1793229 (100uf tantalum polymer)

    Single 47uf capacitor bought off ebay standard electrolytic placed on its side as in my previous picture of practice board
    47uf 16v physical size 5.2mm diameter by 11.5mm long (body only)

    Happy days View attachment 27453 20210207_151939.jpg 20210207_152010.jpg 20210207_152010.jpg
    Emiel likes this.
  6. Nasi Ramos

    Nasi Ramos New Member

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    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    I had the same problem with PLAY and STOP buttons not working on several Aiwa cassetteplayers with the same layout of this HS P505 MKII model (HS PX310 HSPX410 HSPX510 HS RX610 HS RX626 and more have the same layout PCB)

    FF and REW worked , but PLAY and STOP didn't

    I really cleaned everything and even recapped it twice one time.

    I got so mad with this that eventually i made it work.

    I my case i soldered a wire from the solenoid to the Play button, and fixed 2 models with this fix.

    The play button works fine (also goes into reverse when pushed twice), but the button to open the door woks as the STOP button now

    This is no problem, because the button to open the door also works as a full stop button. It sets the head and pinchrollers into open position

    explained in pictures i got from the forum.

    With this HS P505 MKII i did a little mod.
    I used the door and backside on a RX626 model
    This is a version with radio, but the flexcable in the door was completely coroded and can't be repaired, so i choose to use the rest of the unit to transform it into a HS505 MKII

    The RX626 has an Amporhous head, so the sound is a little bit better then the original HS P505 MKII head

    They both use the same external battery and swapping parts is very easy.

    I also did the wire fix on a HS PX410 and this also works fine now, with the door button working as a stop button..

    So if someone has this same issue with Play button not working, this is a solution!

    great sound machines !

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