First of all my name is Christopher and I'm a 18 year old music fan from Germany. I've been listening to to rock, blues and metal my whole life. The medias I'm enjoying my music on are tape, records, cd, minidisc and mp3 of course. My first Walkman was the Sony Walkman WM-DD2 of my dad. Over the time I acquired and repaired a few others. My projects now are the DD2, I need the cap values and the positions where each cap belongs. Before someone suggests just to open the unit und look what cap I need, this is the problem there are new caps in but I think with the wrong values. I let someone recap the unit because my soldering iron is trash and I think he might didn't read the values properly. My other Project is a Sony Walkman WM-F550C where I have playback problems with main drive wheel and the take-up reel. Best regards
Welcome! It's nice to see kids enjoying their parents old technology, something like the WM-DD2 would have been very nice and highly prized back in the 80's. I don't have many of the newer models so I can't help you but I'd search the forum, the best way is through Google: "sony wm-dd2" We also have a tab on the top that says "Old_forum" check that out as well, that has data from 2008-2016 and there might be more information down there. I checked my files but didn't see a service manual, there should be one floating around the internet for this model.
Thanks for the nice welcome. Yea the DD2 was expensive back in 84/85 when my dad bought it around 300 Deutsche Mark. So about the service manual, I looked erverywhere in the old forum, other threads on various forums and what it feels like the whole Internet. Thats why I am hoping that could provide me a service manual which I think could happen here in this Forum.
Welcome! I'm sure I got this manual as a pdf document. I will have a look for it tomorrow - you'll hear from me when I've found something...Grüße in den Ruhrpott!
I don't see that manual anywhere for free but the owner of this forum has a nice write-up on taking the unit apart on his website.
I know about this guide but the thing is, I need the cap values and they aren't there. Probably because he said that the dd caps don't fail in most cases.
Unfortunately the DDII Service Manual is the only one, I don't own. There is that service manual you need on eBay... but very expensive (25€) Maybe the Service Manual from DDIII can help you also?
Oh man i think the dd3 manual could be helpful, I'll have a look at it. Maybe someone else can help me, but thanks for effort.